The Mystery and History of Magnetism
Urs Häfeli
A: Preparation and Modification of Biodegradable Magnetic Particles
Preparation and Application of Monosized Magnetic Particles in Selective Cell
Wenche S. Prestvik, Arvid Berge, Preben C. Mork, Per M.
Stenstad and John Ugelstad
Synthesis, Characterization and Use of New Solid and Hollow, Magnetic and Non-Magnetic,
Organic-Inorganic Monodispersed Hybrid Microspheres
Shlomo Margel, Sigalit Gura, Hanna Bamnolker, Boaz Nitzan,
Tami Tennenbaum, Beni Bar-Toov, Michael Hinz, and H. Seliger
Preparation and Characterization of Magnetic Nanospheres for in vivo
Cordula Grüttner, Joachim Teller, Wolfgang Schütt, Fritz
Westphal, Carl Schümichen, and Bernd-R. Paulke
Synthesis Studies on Paramagnetic Polystyrene Latex Particles
Bernd-R. Paulke, Norbert Buske, and Supandi
Microspheres for Use in a Novel Electromagnetic Bioadhesion Testing System
B. Hertzog, T. Mottl, D. Yim, and E. Mathiowitz
Novel Magnetic Microcarriers on the Basis of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) for
Biomedical Analysis
Detlef Müller-Schulte, Frank Füssl, and Marcel
De Cuyper
Magnetic Oxide Particles prepared by Glass Crystallization: Properties
and Applications
W. Schüppel, R. Müller, C. Ulbrich, and H.
Nanosized Ferrite Particles: Preparation, Characterization, and Magnetic
M.P. Pileni, N. Feltin, and N. Moumen
B: Characterization of Magnetic Particles
Intravenously Injected Particles: Surface Properties and Interaction
with Blood Proteins - The Key Determining the Organ Distribution
Rainer H. Müller, Martin Lück, Stephan
Harnisch, and Kai Thode
Analysis of Microspheres in Lving Cells by Confocal Microscopy
Stine-Kathrein Kraeft, Urs O. Häfeli, and Lan Bo
Techniques for Electro- and Magnetokinetic Particle Characterization
Wolfgang Schütt, Cordula Grüttner, Bernd
Paulke, Phil Goetz, and Nobuya Hashimoto
Quantification of Maghemite Nanoparticles in Biological Media by
Ferromagnetic Resonance and its Alteration by Conjugation with Biological Substances
Maria de Fatima Da Silva, Francois Gendron, Jean
Claude Bacri, Jacky Roger, Jean-Noel Pons, Michel Robineau, Domagoj Sabolovic', and
Avraham Halbreich
Use of ESR, Mössbauer Spectroscopy, and SQUID-Magnetometry for the
Characterization of Magnetic Nanoparticles on the Base of Metal Iron and Its Implications
in vivo
Olga M. Mykhaylyk, Oleg N. Razumov, Alexandre K.
Dudchenko, Yuri V. Pankratov, Eduard K. Dobrinsky, Vladimir N. Sosnitsky, and Eduard A.
C: Applications in Cell Separation and Analysis
Physics of the Magnetic Cell Sorting
Maciej Zborowski
Microfabricated Flow System for Magnetic Cell and Particle Separation
Gert Blankenstein
Continous-Flow Magnetic Cell Sorting using soluble Immunomagnetic Label
Maciej Zborowski, Lee R. Moore, Liping Sun, and
Jeffrey J. Chalmers
Isolation of Megakaryocytes using Magnetic Cell Separation
Sarah Baatout
D: Applications in Molecular Biology
Magnetic Separation in Molecular Biology
Marie Bosnes, Arne Deggerdal, Anne Rian, Lars
Korsnes, and Frank Larsen
Production of a Protein (Enzyme, Antibody, Protein A)-Magnetite Complex
by Genetically Engineered Magnetic Bacteria Magnetospirillum Sp. AMB-1
Tadashi Matsunaga, Shinji Kamiya, and Noriyuki
Properties and Applications of Genetically Engineered Streptavidins
Takeshi Sano, Gabriel Reznik, Sandor Vajda,
Charles R. Cantor, and Cassandra L. Smith
Applications of Magnetic Particles in Immunoassays
Mary Meza
Magnetomechanical Stimulation of Mesenchymal Cells
Susanne Bierbaum and Holger Notbohm
E: Biomedical Applications of Magnetic Carriers
Overview of Magnetic Separations Used in Biochemical and
Biotechnological Applications
Ivo Safarik and Mirka Safarikova
Use of Immunomagnetic Carriers for the Rapid Detection of Virulent
Bacteria from Biological Samples
Hao Yu
Ferromagnetic and Immunomagnetic Concentration of Mycobacteria for the
Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
Michael A. Vladimirsky, Victor I. Philippov,
Anatoly A. Kuznetsov, Alexander I. Polozov, and Edward K. Dobrinsky
In Vitro-Separation of Active Phagocytes for Temporary Extracorporeal
Phagocytosis Assist by Magnetic Microbeads
Steffen Mitzner, Jan Stange, Jens Freytag, Piotr
Pszynski, Stefan Aldinger, Ursula Kaben, Barbara Nebe, Bruno Ringel, and Reinhardt Schmidt
Specific Blood Purification by Means of Antibody-Conjugated Magnetic
Christoph Weber and Dieter Falkenhagen
Ferro-Carbon Particles: Preparation and Clinical Applications
Anatoly A. Kuznetsov, Avetik R. Harutyunyan,
Edward K. Dobrinsky, Victor I. Filippov, Andrei G. Malenkov, Anatoly F. Vanin, and Oleg A.
New Method of Biological Fluid Detoxification Based on Magnetic
Michael V. Kutushov, Anatoly A. Kuznetsov, Victor
I. Filippov, and Oleg A. Kuznetsov
Magnetic Maghemite Nanoparticles: Their Preparation, Properties, and
Application in Cell Sorting and Characterization of Cellular Membranes in Vitro
Avraham Halbreich, Jacky Roger, Jean-Noel Pons,
Maria de Fatima Da Silva, Eric hasmonay, Michel Roudier, Michel Boynard, Claude Sestier,
Asmina Amri, Danielle Geldwerth, Bernard Fertil, Jean Claude Bacri, and Domagoj Sabolovic'
Magnetic Measurements of Local Passage Velocity Through the Gut
Wilfried Andrä, Klaus Eitner, Rudolf Hergt, and
Matthias Zeisberger
Magnetophoretic Characterization of the Plant Gravity Receptor
Oleg A. Kuznetsov and Karl H. Hasenstein
F: Drug Delivery and Radionuclide Therapy
Targeting Magnetic Microspheres to Brain Tumors
Sharon K. Pulfer and James M. Gallo
Selected Preclinical and First Clinical Experiences with Magnetically
Targeted 4'-Epidoxorubicin in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors
Andreas Stephan Lübbe and Christian Bergemann
MTC: A Magnetically Targetable Drug Carrier for Paclitaxel
Larry M. Allen, Thomas Kent, Christina Wolfe,
Clara Ficco, and Jacqueline Johnson
Magnetically Guided Drug Transport for the prophylaxis of Pathological
Conditions and the Protection of Implants
Sanat Ya. Makhmudov, Anatoly A. Kuznetsov, and
Victor I. Filippov
Magnetically Targeted Microspheres for Intracavitary and Intraspinal
Yttrium-90 Radiotherapy
Urs O. Häfeli, Gayle J. Pauer, William K.
ROberts, John L. Humm, and Roger M. Macklis
A New AIDS Therapy Approach Using Magnetoliposomes
Detlef Müller-Schulte, Frank Füssl, Heiko
Lueken, and Marcel De Cuyper
G: MRI Contrast Agents
Magnetic Nanoparticles as Contrast Agents for MR Imaging: An Overview
Jeff W.M. Bulte and Rodney A. Brooks
SPIO-Enhanced MR Lymphography
Mayk Kresse, Susanne Wagner, and Matthias Taupitz
Superparamgnetic Iron Oxide Particles as Marker Substances for Searching
Tumor Specific Liposomes with MRI
Sabine Päuser, Regina Reszka, Susanne Wagner,
Karl-Jürgen Wolf, Heinz Johannes Buhr, and Gerd Berger
H: Hyperthermia
Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia (MFH)
A. Jordan, P. Wust, R. Scholz, H. Faehling, J.
Krause, and R. Felix
Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Thermolysis of Cells in a Ferrofluid
Jean-Claude Bacri, Maria de Fatima Da Silva,
Regine Perzynski, Jean-Noel Pons, Jacky Roger, Domagoj Sabolovic', and Avraham Halbreich
Physical Chemistry and in Vivo Tissue Heating Properties of Colloidal
Magnetic Iron Oxides with Increased Power Absorption Rates
Daniel C.F. Chan, Dmitri B. Kirpotin, and Paul A.