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Publications Books Book Chapters Patents Dissertations



  1. Hohenwarter L, Puil E, Rouhollahi E, Bohrmann L, Lu S, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO, Barr A, Bottger R, DurgaRao Viswanadham KK, Li SD (2024). A Novel Leu-Enkephalin Prodrug Produces Pain-Relieving and Antidepressant Effects. Mol Pharm 21 (2), 688-703
  2. Esposito TVF, Blackadar C, Wu L, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Haney EF, Pletzer D, Saatchi K, Hancock REW, Hafeli UO (2024). Biodistribution of Native and Nanoformulated Innate Defense Regulator (IDR) Peptide 1002. Mol Pharm 21, 2751-2766
  3. Esposito TVF, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Blackadar C, Klodzinska S, Moerk Nielsen H, Saatchi K, Hafeli UO (2024). Biodistribution of the Cationic Host Defense Peptide LL-37 Using SPECT/CT. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 202, 114398
  4. Bohrmann L, Poulie CBM, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Karagiozov S, Saatchi K, Herth MM, Hafeli UO (2024). Development of a 99mTc-Labeled Tetrazine for Pretargeted SPECT Imaging Using an Alendronic Acid-Based Bone Targeting Model. PLOS ONE 19(4), e0300466.
  5. Charles L, Sekar S, Osooly M, Javed S, Williams KC, Welch I, Barta I, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2024). Development of an Immunosuppressed Orthotopic Hepatocellular Carcinoma Rat Model for the Evaluation of Chemo- and Radioembolization Therapies. Europ J Pharm Biopharm 196, 114180
  6. Wu T, Chai N, Chen C, Zhang Z, Wei S, Yang L, Li X, Carvalho RM, Hafeli UO, Peng X, Li H, Gong T (2024). Dual-action hydrogel wound dressing for advanced wound care: Antibiotic-free microbial defense and exceptional mechanical resilience. Cell Reports Physical Science 5, 102093
  7. Li N, Fei P, Tous C, Rezaei Adariani M, Hautot M-L, Ouedraogo I, Hadjadj A, Dimov IP, Zhang Q, Lessard S, Nosrati Z, Ng CN, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO, Tremblay C, Kadoury S, Tang A, Martel S, Soulez G (2024). Human-scale navigation of magnetic microrobots in hepatic arteries. Science Robotics 9, eadh8702
  8. Wu J, Jones N, Chao P-H, Chan V, Hohenwarter L, Wu A, Bergamo M, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Saatchi K, Liang A, Hafeli UO, Tan Z, Hedtrich S, Andrew LJ, Li S-D (2024). Intranasal Delivery of Low-Dose Anti-CD124 Antibody Enhances Treatment of Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps. Biomaterials 308, 122567
  9. 2023

  10. Saatchi K, Benard F, Hundal N, Grimes J, Shcherbinin S, Pourghiasian M, Brooks DE, Celler A, Häfeli UO (2023). Preclinical PET Imaging and Toxicity Study of a 68Ga-Functionalized Polymeric Cardiac Blood Pool Agent. Pharmaceutics 15, 767
  11. Wadhwa A, Bobak TR, Bohrmann L, Geczy R, Sekar S, Sathyanarayanan G, Kutter JP, Franzyk H, Foged C, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2023). Pulmonary delivery of siRNA-loaded lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles: Effect of nanoparticle size. OpenNano 13, 100180
  12. Bohrmann L, Burghardt T, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Herth MM, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2023). Quantitative Evaluation of a Multimodal Aptamer-Targeted Long-Circulating Polymer for Tumor Targeting. ACS Omega 8, 11003-11020
  13. Baker J, Moosvi F, Kyle A, Banath J, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO, Reinsberg S, Minchinton A (2023). Radiosensitizing oxygenation changes in murine tumors treated with VEGF-ablation therapy are measurable using Oxygen Enhanced-MRI (OE-MRI). Radiotherapy and Oncology 187, 109795
  14. 2022

  15. Bohrmann L, Burghardt T, Haynes C, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2022). Aptamers used for molecular imaging and theranostics - recent developments. Theranostics 12, 4010-4050
  16. Esposito TVF, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Blackadar C, Haney EF, Pletzer D, Hancock REW, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2022). Biodistribution and Toxicity of Innate Defense Regulator 1018 (IDR-1018). Eur J Pharm Biopharm 179, 11-25
  17. Engudar G, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C^, Mishra NK^, Bergamo M^, Amouroux G, Jensen KJ, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2022). Metal-ion coordinated self-assembly of human insulin directs kinetics of insulin release as determined by preclinical SPECT/CT imaging. J Control Rel 343, 347-360. ^Contributed equally.
  18. Saxena T, Sie C, Lin K, Ye D, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2022). Potential of Nuclear Imaging Techniques to Study the Oral Delivery of Peptides. Pharmaceutics 14, 2809, 1-23
  19. Li N, Tous C, Dimov IP, Cadoret D, Fei P, Majedi Y, Lessard S, Nosrati Z, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO, Tang A, Kadoury S, Martel SM, Soulez G (2022). Quantification and 3D localization of magnetically navigated superparamagnetic particles using MRI in phantom and swine chemoembolization models. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 69 (8) 2616-2626
  20. Blackadar C, Choi KG, Embree MF, Hennkens HM, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Hancock REW, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2022). SPECT/CT Imaging of 111Ag for the Preclinical Evaluation of Silver-Based Antimicrobial Nanomedicines. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 14, 26382-26393
  21. 2021

  22. de la Vega JC, Esquinas PL, Gill JK, Jessa S, Gill B, Thakur Y, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2021). Comparison of Rhenium and Iodine as Contrast Agents in X-Ray Imaging. Contrast Media Mol Imaging, 1250360
  23. Dimov IP, Tous C, Li N, Häfeli UO, Martel S, Soulez G (2021). Future Advances in Diagnosis and Drug Delivery in Interventional Radiology Using MR Imaging-Steered Theranostic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles. J Vasc Intervent Radiol 32, 1292-1295 e1
  24. Suarez-Garcia S, Esposito TVF, Neufeld-Peters J, Bergamo M, Yang H, Saatchi K, Schaffer P, Häfeli UO, Ruiz-Molina D, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Novio F (2021). Hybrid Metal-Phenol Nanoparticles with Polydopamine-like Coating for PET/SPECT/CT Imaging. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 13, 10705-10718
  25. Tous C, Li N, Dimov IP, Kadoury S, Tang A, Vignon-Clementel I, Häfeli UO, Nosrati Z, Saatchi K, Moran G, Couch MJ, Martel S, Lessard S, Soulez G (2021). Navigation of microrobots by MRI: impact of gravitational, friction and thrust forces on steering success. Ann Biomed Eng, 49, 3724-3736
  26. Slavin YN, Ivanova K, Hoyo J, Perelshtein I, Owen G, Haegert A, Lin Y-Y, Le Bian S, Gedanken A, Häfeli UO, Tzanov T, Bach H (2021). Novel lignin-capped silver nanoparticles against multidrug resistant bacteria. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 13, 22098-22109
  27. Herth M, Ametamey SM, Antuganov D, Bauman A, Berndt M, Brooks AF, Bormans G, Choe YS, Gillings N, Häfeli UO, James M, Kopka K, Kramer V, Krasikova R, Madsen J, Mu L, Neumaier B, Piel M, Rösch F, Ross T, Schibli R, Scott PH, Shalgunov V, Vasdev N, Wadsak W, (2021). On the Consensus Nomenclature Rules for Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry - Reconsideration of Radiochemical Conversion. Nucl Med Biol 93, 19-21
  28. Wu L, Wu L, Wu J, Sun J, He Z, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Saatchi K, Dailey LA, Häfeli UO, Cun D, Yang M (2021). Poly (lactide-co-glycolide acid) Nanoparticles Mediate Sustained Gene Silencing and Improved Biocompatibility of siRNA Delivery Systems in Mouse Lungs after Pulmonary Administration. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13, 3722-3737
  29. Esposito TVF, Stütz H, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Bergamo M, Charles L, Geczy R, Blackadar C, Kutter JP, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2021). Preparation of Heat-Denatured Macroaggregated Albumin for Biomedical Applications using a Microfluidics Platform. ACS Biomat Sci Eng 7, 2823-2834
  30. Pletzer D, Asnis J, Slavin YN, Hancock BC, Bach H, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2021). Rapid microwave-based method for the preparation of antimicrobial lignin-capped silver nanoparticles active against multidrug-resistant bacteria. Int J Pharm 596, 120299
  31. Nosrati Z, Esquinas P, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Tran T, Maharaj A, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2021). Simultaneous SPECT imaging with 123I and 125I - a practical approach to assessing a drug and its carrier at the same time with dual imaging. Int J Pharm 606, 120884
  32. 2020

  33. Kalomoiri P, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Sorensen KK, Bergamo M, Saatchi K, Hafeli UO, Jensen KJ (2020). Bioimaging and Biodistribution of the Metal-Ion-Controlled Self-Assembly of PYY3-36 Studied by SPECT/CT. ChemBioChem 21, 3338-3348
  34. Wang X, De Guadalupe Jaraquemada-Pelaez M, Cao Y, Ingham A, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Pan J, Wang Y, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO, Lin K-S, Orvig C (2020). H2CHXhox: Rigid Cyclohexane Reinforced Non-Macrocyclic Chelating Ligand for Gallium. Inorg. Chem. 59, 4895-4905
  35. Agnoletti M, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Klodzinska SN, Esposito TVF, Saatchi K, Moerk Nielsen H, Häfeli UO (2020). Monosized Polymeric Microspheres Designed for Passive Lung Targeting: Biodistribution and Pharmacokinetics after Intravenous Administration. ACS Nano 14, 6693-6706
  36. Wu L, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Cun D, Yang M, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2020). Quantitative Comparison of Three Widely-Used Pulmonary Administration Methods In Vivo with Radiolabeled Inhalable Nanoparticles. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 152, 108-115
  37. Nosrati Z, Bergamo M, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2020). Refinement and validation of infrared thermal imaging (IRT): a non-invasive technique to measure disease activity in a mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Research & Therapy 22:281
  38. Sticker D, Geczy R, Häfeli UO, Kutter JP (2020). Thiol-Ene Based Polymers as Versatile Materials for Microfluidic Devices for Life Sciences Applications. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfac. 12, 10080-10095
  39. Tran T, Bonlokke P, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Nosrati Z, Esquinas P, Borkar N, Christensen JP, Strindberg Andersen SS, Karagiozov S, Rades T, Müllertz A, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2020). Using in vitro lipolysis and SPECT/CT in vivo imaging to understand oral absorption of fenofibrate from lipid-based drug delivery systems. J Control Release 317, 375-384
  40. 2019

  41. Zahn D, Weidner A, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO, Dutz S (2019). Biodegradable magnetic microspheres for drug targeting, temperature controlled drug release, and hyperthermia. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 5, 161-164
  42. Geczy R, Sticker D, Bovet N, Häfeli UO, Kutter JP (2019). Chloroform compatible, thiolene-based replica molded microfluidic devices as an alternative to microfabricated glass chips. Lab on a chip 19, 798-806
  43. Buchwalder C, de G. Jaraquemada-Pelaez M, Rousseau J, Merkens H, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Orvig C, Benard F, Schaffer P, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2019). Evaluation of the Tetrakis(3-Hydroxy-4-Pyridinone) Ligand THPN with Zirconium(IV): Thermodynamic Solution Studies, Bifunctionalization, and in Vivo Assessment of Macromolecular 89Zr-THPN-Conjugates. Inorg. Chem. 58 (21) 14667-14681
  44. Li N, Jiang Y, Plantefeve R, Michaud F, Nosrati Z, Tremblay C, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO, Kadoury S, Moran G, Joly F, Martel S, Soulez G (2019). Magnetic resonance navigation for targeted embolization in a two-level bifurcation phantom. Ann Biomed Eng 47 (12) 2402-2415
  45. Geczy R, Agnoletti M, Hansen MF, Kutter JP, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2019). Microfluidic approaches for the production of monodisperse, superparamagnetic microspheres in the low micrometer size range. J Magn Mag Mat 471, 286-293
  46. Li N, Michaud F, Nosrati Z, Loghin D, Tremblay C, Plantefeve R, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO, Martel S, Soulez G (2019). MRI-compatible injection system for magnetic microparticle embolization. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 66 (8) 2331-2340
  47. Ranamukhaarachchi S, Esposito TV, Raeiszadeh M, Häfeli UO, Stoeber B (2019). Precise measurement of intradermal fluid delivery using a low activity technetium-99m pertechnetate tracer. Vaccine 37, 7463-7469
  48. de la Vega J, Esquinas PL, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Bokharaei M, Moskalev I, Liu D, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2019). Radioembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Built-In Dosimetry: First In Vivo Results with Uniformly-Sized, Biodegradable Microspheres Labeled with 188Re. Theranostics 9, 868-883
  49. Michaud F, Li N, Plantefeve R, Nosrati Z, Tremblay C, Saatchi K, Moran G, Bigot A, Häfeli UO, Kadoury S, Tang A, Perreault P, Martel S, Soulez G (2019). Selective Embolization with Magnetized Microbeads using Magnetic Resonance Navigation in a Liver Controlled-flow Model. Med Phys 46, 789-799
  50. Zahn D, Weidner A, Nosrati Z, Wöckel L, Dellith J, Müller R, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO, Dutz S (2019). Temperature Controlled Camptothecin Release from Biodegradable Magnetic PLGA Microspheres. J Magn Mag Mat 469, 698-703
  51. 2018

  52. Roth T, Sprenger L, Odenbach S, Häfeli UO (2018). Continuous form-dependent focusing of non-spherical microparticles from a highly diluted suspension with the help of microfluidic spiral. Physics of Fluids 30, 045102
  53. Ranamukhaarachchi S, Padeste C, Häfeli UO, Stoeber B, Cadarso VJ (2018). Design considerations of a hollow microneedle-optofluidic biosensing platform incorporating enzyme-linked assays. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 28, 024002
  54. Nosrati Z, Li N, Michaud F, Ranamukhaarachchi S, Karagiosov SK, Soulez G, Martel S, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2018). Development of a Coflowing Device for the Size-Controlled Preparation of Magnetic-Polymeric Microspheres as Embolization Agents in Magnetic Resonance Navigation Technology. ACS Biomat Sci Eng 4, 1092-1102
  55. Esquinas PL, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Esposito TVF, Harboe J, Bergamo M, Celler A, Saatchi K, Sossi V, Häfeli UO (2018). Dual SPECT Imaging of 111In and 67Ga to Simultaneously Determine In Vivo the Pharmacokinetics of Different Radiopharmaceuticals: A Quantitative Tool in Preclinical Research. Physics in Medicine & Biology 63, 235029
  56. Thakur A, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Saatchi K, Rose F, Esposito TV, Nosrati Z, Andersen P, Christensen D, Häfeli UO, Foged C (2018). Dual-isotope SPECT/CT imaging of the tuberculosis subunit vaccine H56/CAF01: Induction of strong mucosal and systemic IgA and T-cell responses upon subcutaneous priming and intrapulmonary boost immunization. Frontiers in immunology 9:2825
  57. Wang X, de G. Jaraquemada-Pelaez M, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Cao Y, Buchwalder C, Choudhary N, Jermilova U, Ramogida CF, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO, Patrick BO, Orvig C (2018). H4octox: Versatile Bimodal Octadentate Acyclic Chelating Ligand for Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry. JACS 140, 15487-15500
  58. Baker JHE, Kyle AH, Patrick H, Reinsberg SA, Moosvi F, Cran J, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO, Minchinton AI (2018). Heterogeneous distribution of trastuzumab in Her2 xenografts and metastases: role of the tumor microenvironment. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis 35, 691-705
  59. Bemetz J, Wegemann A, Saatchi K, Haase A, Häfeli UO, Niessner R, Gleich B, Seidel M (2018). Microfluidic-Based Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles Coupled with Miniaturized NMR for Online Relaxation Studies. Analytical Chemistry 90, 9975-9982
  60. Schmitt V, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Hamilton JL, Shenoi RA, Schaffer P, Sossi V, Kizhakkedathu JN, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2018). Quantitative SPECT Imaging and Biodistribution Point to Molecular Weight Independent Tumor Uptake For Some Long-Circulating Polymer Nanocarriers. RSC Advances 8, 5586-5595
  61. Lambert DM, Kumar U, Häfeli UO (2018). Up-regulation of Iba-1 and GFAP in the acidic saline model of chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain: a pilot study examining the relationship between gliosis and hyperalgesia. J Neurosci Neuropharm 4(2) 1000121
  62. 2017

  63. Buchwalder C, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Schaffer P, Karagiozov S, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2017). A New Tetrapodal 3-Hydroxy-4-Pyridinone Ligand for Complexation of Zirconium-89 for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging. Dalton Trans 46, 9654-9663
  64. Bokharaei M, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2017). A Single Microfluidic Chip with Dual Surface Properties for Protein Drug Delivery. Int J Pharm 521, 84-91
  65. Esquinas P, Uribe C, Gonzales M, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Häfeli UO, Celler A (2017). Accuracy of Rhenium-188 SPECT/CT activity quantification for applications in radionuclide therapy using clinical reconstruction methods. Physics in Medicine & Biology 62, 6379-6396
  66. Schmitt V, Szeitz A, Klassen TL, Häfeli UO (2017). An Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for the Quantification of Vancomycin Requiring Only 2 µL of Rabbit Serum. American Journal of Analytical Chemistry 8, 553-563
  67. Saatchi K, Tod SE, Leung D, Nicholson KE, Andreu I, Buchwalder C, Schmitt V, Häfeli UO, Gray S (2017). Characterization of Alendronic- and Undecylenic Acid Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles for the Targeted Delivery of Rosiglitazone to Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue. Nanotechnol Biol Med 13(2) 559-568
  68. Auyeung A, Casillas-Santana MA, Martinez-Castanon GA, Slavin YN, Zhao W, Asnis J, Häfeli UO, Bach H (2017). Effective control of molds using a combination of nanoparticles. PLOS One 12(1): e0169940
  69. Schneider T, Löwa A, Karagiozov S, Sprenger L, Gutierrez L, Esposito T, Marten GU, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2017). Facile Microwave Synthesis of Uniform Magnetic Nanoparticles with Minimal Sample Processing. J Magn Mag Mat 421, 283-291
  70. Dutz S, Hayden ME, Häfeli UO (2017). Fractionation of magnetic microspheres in a microfluidic spiral: Interplay between magnetic and hydrodynamic forces. PLOS One 12(1): e0169919
  71. Le TN, Straatman L, Yanai A, Garnis C, Häfeli UO, Westerberg BD, Gregory-Evans K (2017). Magnetic stem cell targeting to the inner ear. J Magn Mag Mat 443, 385-396
  72. Slavin YN, Asnis J, Häfeli UO, Bach H (2017). Metal nanoparticles: understanding the mechanisms behind antibacterial activity. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 15:65
  73. Esquinas P, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, de la Vega J, Bokharaei M, Saatchi K, Shirmohammad M, Häfeli UO, Sossi V, Celler A (2017). Re-188 image performance assessment using small animal multi-pinhole SPECT/PET/CT system. Physica Medica 33(1) 26-37
  74. Arami H, Teeman E, Troksa A, Bradshaw H, Saatchi K, Tomitaka A, Gambhir SS, Häfeli UO, Liggitt D, Krishnan KM (2017). Tomographic Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) of Cancer Targeted Nanoparticles. Nanoscale 7, 18723-18730
  75. 2016

  76. Bokharaei M, Schneider T, Dutz S, Stone R, Mefford OT, Häfeli UO (2016). 3D Simulation of Droplet Formation and Production of Monodispersed Magnetic Polymeric Microspheres in a Microfluidic Chip. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 20, 1-14
  77. Gong T, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Yan Y, Liu Y, Liu X, Wang Y, Yang X, Zhao L, Hou M, Zhang H, Ruse ND, Troczynski T, Häfeli UO (2016). A comprehensive study of osteogenic calcium phosphate silicate cement: material characterization and in vitro/in vivo testing. Advanced Healthcare Materials 5, 457-466
  78. Ranamukhaarachchi SA, Lehnert S, Ranamukhaarachchi SL, Sprenger L, Schneider T, Mansoor I, Rai K, Häfeli UO, Stoeber B (2016). A Micromechanical Comparison of Human and Porcine Skin Before and After Preservation by Freezing. Scientific reports 6:32074
  79. Esquinas P, Tanguay JF, Gonzalez M, Vuckovic M, Rodriguez-Rodriguez C, Häfeli UO, Celler A (2016). Accuracy, Reproducibility and Uncertainty Analysis of Thyroid Probe-Based Activity Measurements for Determination of Dose Calibrator Settings. Med Phys 43 (12) 6309-6321
  80. Ranamukhaarachchi SA, Schneider T, Lehnert S, Sprenger L, Campbell J, Mansoor I, Lai J, Rai K, Dutz J, Häfeli UO, Stoeber B (2016). Development and Validation of an Artificial Mechanical Skin Model for the Study of Interactions between Skin and Microneedles. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 301, 306-314
  81. Ranamukhaarachchi SA, Padeste C, Dübner M, Häfeli UO, Stoeber B, Cadarso VJ (2016). Integrated hollow microneedle-optofluidic biosensor for therapeutic drug monitoring in sub-nanoliter volumes. Scientific reports 6:29075
  82. Baker JHE, McPhee KC, Moosvi FS, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO, Minchinton AI, Reinsberg SA (2016). Multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging and histology of vascular function in xenografts using macromolecular contrast agent Hyperbranched Polyglycerol (HPG-GdF). Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging 11, 77-88
  83. Gong T, Chen Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Liu X, Troczynski T, Häfeli UO (2016). Osteogenic and anti-osteoporotic effects of risedronate-added calcium phosphate silicate cement. Biomedical Materials 11 (4) 045002
  84. 2015

  85. Mansoor I, Lai J, Ranamukhaarachchi S, Schmitt V, Lambert D, Dutz JP, Häfeli UO, Stoeber B (2015). A microneedle-based method for the characterization of diffusion in skin tissue using doxorubicin as a model drug. Biomed Microdev 17, 61
  86. Zhong Y, Leung V, Wan LY, Dutz S, Ko FK, Häfeli UO (2015). Electrospun magnetic nanofibre mats - a new bondable biomaterial using remotely activated magnetic heating. J Magn Mag Mat 380, 330-334
  87. Sprenger L, Dutz S, Schneider T, Odenbach S, Häfeli UO (2015). Simulation and experimental determination of the online separation of blood components with the help of microfluidic cascading spirals. Biomicrofluidics 9, 044110
  88. de la Vega J, Häfeli UO (2015). Utilization of Nanoparticles as X-Ray Contrast Agents for Diagnostic Imaging Applications. Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging 10, 81-95
  89. 2014

  90. Kiang TK, Häfeli UO, Ensom MHH (2014). A Comprehensive Review on the Pharmacokinetics of Antibiotics in Interstitial Fluid Spaces in Humans: Implications on Dosing and Clinical Pharmacokinetic Monitoring. Clin Pharmacokinet 53 (8), 695-730
  91. Gong T, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Sun C, Yang Q, Troczynski T, Häfeli UO (2014). Preparation, characterization, release kinetics, and in vitro cytotoxicity of calcium silicate cement as a risedronate delivery system. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 102A (7) 2295-2304
  92. 2013

  93. Mansoor I, Liu Y, Häfeli UO, Stoeber B (2013). Arrays of hollow out-of-plane microneedles made by metal electrodeposition onto solvent cast conductive polymer structures. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 23, 085011
  94. Bleul R, Thiermann R, Marten GU, House MJ, Pierre TG, Häfeli UO, Maskos M (2013). Continuously manufactured magnetic polymersomes - a versatile tool (not only) for targeted cancer therapy. Nanoscale 5, 11385-11393
  95. Bashar AE, Metcalfe A, Yanai A, Laver C, Häfeli UO, Gregory-Evans CY, Moritz OL, Matsubara JA, Gregory-Evans K (2013). Influence of iron oxide nanoparticles on innate and genetically modified secretion profiles of mesenchymal stem cells. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 49, 389-393
  96. Bleul R, Thiermann R, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO, Maskos M (2013). Multifunctional nanocarriers for biomedical applications. Proc of SPIE 8595, 1N-9
  97. de la Vega J, Elischer P, Schneider T, Häfeli UO (2013). Uniform microspheres: Definition of monodispersity, methods of formation and applications. Nanomedicine 8, 265-285
  98. 2012

  99. Dutz S, Hayden ME, Schaap A, Stoeber B, Häfeli UO (2012). A microfluidic spiral for size-dependent fractionation of magnetic microspheres. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324, 3791-3798
  100. Laurent S, Burtea C, Thirifays C, Häfeli UO, Mahmoudi M (2012). Crucial ignored parameters on nanotoxicology: the importance of toxicity assay modifications. PloS ONE 7, e29997
  101. Misri R, Meier D, Yung A, Kozlowski P, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2012). Development and evaluation of dual-modality (MRI/SPECT) molecular imaging bioprobe. Nanomed Nanotechnol Biol Med 8, 1007-1016
  102. Yanai A, Häfeli UO, Metcalfe A, Soema P, Addo L, Gregory-Evans CY, Po K, Shan XH, Moritz O, Gregory-Evans K (2012). Focused magnetic stem cell targeting to the retina using superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Cell Transplantation 21, 1137-1148
  103. Mansoor I, Häfeli UO, Stoeber B (2012). Hollow out-of-plane polymer microneedles made by solvent casting for transdermal drug delivery. J MEMS 21, 44-52
  104. Saatchi K, Soema P, Gelder N, Misri R, McPhee K, Baker J, Reinsberg SA, Brooks DE, Häfeli UO (2012). Hyperbranched polyglycerols as trimodal imaging agents: design, biocompatibility and tumor uptake. Bioconjugate Chemistry 23, 372-381
  105. Saatchi K, Gelder N, Gershkovich P, Sivak O, Wasan KM, Kainthan RK, Brooks DE, Häfeli UO (2012). Long-circulating nontoxic cardiac blood pool imaging agent based on hyperbranched polyglycerols. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 422, 418-427
  106. Misri R, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2012). Nanoprobes for hybrid SPECT/MR molecular imaging. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 7, 719-733
  107. Kiang TK, Schmitt V, Ensom MH, Chua B, Häfeli UO (2012). Therapeutic drug monitoring in interstitial fluid: a feasibility study using a comprehensive panel of drugs. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 101, 4642-4652
  108. 2011

  109. Burrill J, Häfeli UO, Liu DM (2011). Advances in radioembolization - Embolics and radioisotopes. Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy 2, 1000107
  110. Mansoor I, Häfeli UO, Stoeber B (2011). Arrays of solvent cast hollow out-of-plane microneedles for drug delivery. In: IEEE MEMS 2011, Cancun, Mexico, 1027-1030
  111. Häfeli UO, Ensom MH, Kiang TK, Stoeber B, Chua B, Pudek M, Schmitt V (2011). Comparison of vancomycin concentrations in blood and interstitial fluid: a possible model for less invasive therapeutic drug monitoring. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 49, 2123-2125
  112. Schneider T, Chapman GH, Häfeli UO (2011). Effects of chemical and physical parameters in the generation of microspheres by hydrodynamic flow focusing. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 87, 361-368
  113. Misri R, Saatchi K, Ng SSW, Kumar U, Häfeli UO (2011). Evaluation of 111In labeled antibodies for SPECT imaging of mesothelin. Nucl Med Biol 38, 885-896
  114. Laurent S, Dutz S, Häfeli UO, Mahmoudi M (2011). Magnetic fluid hyperthermia: Focus on superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Adv Colloid Interface Sci 166, 8-23
  115. Boros E, Lin Y-HS, Ferreira CL, Patrick BO, Häfeli UO, Adam MJ, Orvig C (2011). One to chelate them all: Towards a versatile, all-encompassing bifunctional chelator for 64Cu, 99mTc, 186/188Re, 55Co. Dalton Trans 40, 6253-6259
  116. Misri R, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2011). Radiolabeling of fab and f(ab)2 antibody fragments with 99mTc(I) tricarbonyl core using a new bifunctional tridentate ligand. Nucl Med Commun 32, 324-329
  117. 2010

  118. Mahmoudi M, Simchi A, Imani M, Shokrgozar M, Milani A, Häfeli UO, Stroeve P (2010). A new approach for the in vitro identification of the cytotoxicity of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 75, 300-309
  119. Häfeli UO, Saatchi K, Elischer P, Misri R, Bokharaei M, Labiris NR, Stoeber B (2010). Lung perfusion imaging with monosized biodegradable microspheres. Biomacromolecules 11, 561-567
  120. Schmitt V, Rodrigues B, Häfeli UO, Saatchi K (2010). Study of the binding capacity of heparin functionalized magnetic microparticles for cardiac lipoprotein lipase and their preliminary evaluation ex vivo in rat hearts. AIP Conf Proc 1311, 408-415
  121. Dengler M, Saatchi K, Dailey JP, Matsubara J, Mikelberg FS, Häfeli UO, Yeung SN (2010). Targeted delivery of magnetic cobalt nanoparticles to the eye following systemic administration. AIP Conf Proc 1311, 329-336
  122. 2009

  123. Häfeli UO, Riffle JS, Harris LA, Carmichael AY, Mark F, Dailey JP, Bardenstein D (2009). Cell uptake and in vitro toxicity of magnetic nanoparticles suitable for drug delivery. Mol Pharmaceutics 6, 1417-1428
  124. Boros E, Häfeli UO, Patrick BO, Adam MJ, Orvig C (2009). Design, synthesis and imaging of small amphiphilic rhenium and 99mTechnetium tricarbonyl complexes. Bioconjugate Chemistry 20, 1002-1009
  125. Song KY, Chiao M, Stoeber B, Häfeli U, Gupta MM, Zhang WJ (2009). Formation of uniform microspheres using a perforated silicon membrane: a preliminary study. Journal of Medical Devices 3, 034503
  126. Bowen ML, Lim NC, Ewart CB, Misri R, Ferreira CL, Häfeli UO, Adam MJ, Orvig C (2009). Glucosamine conjugates bearing N,N,O-donors: Potential imaging agents utilizing the [M(CO)3] core (M = Re, Tc). Dalton Trans 42, 9216-9227
  127. Häfeli UO, Mokhtari A, Liepmann D, Stoeber B (2009). In vivo evaluation of a microneedle-based miniature syringe for intradermal drug delivery. Biomedical Microdevices 11, 943-950
  128. Bowen ML, Chen ZF, Roos AM, Misri R, Häfeli UO, Adam MJ, Orvig C (2009). Long-chain rhenium and technetium glucosamine conjugates. Dalton Trans 42, 9228-9236
  129. Tokoro H, Nakabayashi T, Fujii S, Zhao H, Häfeli UO (2009). Magnetic particles with high magnetization useful for immunoassay. J Magn Magn Mater 321, 1676-1678
  130. Mahmoudi M, Shokrgozar M, Simchi A, Imani M, Milani A, Stroeve P, Vali H, Häfeli UO, Sasanpour P, Bonakdar S (2009). Multiphysics flow modeling and in vitro toxicity of iron oxide nanoparticles coated with polyvinyl alcohol. J Phys Chem C 113, 2322 - 2331
  131. Zhao H, Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2009). Preparation of biodegradable magnetic microspheres with poly(lactic acid) coated magnetite. J Magn Magn Mater 321, 1356-1363
  132. Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2009). Radiolabeling of biodegradable polymeric microspheres with [99mTc(CO)3] and in vivo evaluation using microSPECT/CT imaging. Bioconjug Chem 20, 1209-1217
  133. Mahmoudi M, Simchi A, Imani M, Häfeli UO (2009). Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with rigid cross-linked polyethylene glycol fumarate coating for application in imaging and drug delivery. J Phys Chem C 113, 8124-8131
  134. 2008

  135. Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2008). Magnetic Carriers Conference 2008. NanoMedicine 3, 415-421
  136. Schneider T, Zhao H, Jackson JK, Chapman GH, Dykes J, Hafeli UO (2008). Use of hydrodynamic flow focusing for the generation of biodegradable camptothecin-loaded polymer microspheres. J Pharm Sci 97, 4943-4954
  137. 2007

  138. Häfeli UO, Unnithan J, Pauer GJ, Prayson RA (2007). Fibrin glue system for adjuvant brachytherapy of brain tumors with 188 Re- and 186 Re-labeled microspheres. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 65, 282-288
  139. Saatchi K, Häfeli UO (2007). One-pot syntheses, coordination and characterization of application-specific biodegradable ligand-polymers. Dalton Trans 39, 4439-4445
  140. Zhao H, Gagnon J, Häfeli UO (2007). Process and formulation variables in the preparation of injectable and biodegradable magnetic microspheres. Biomagn Res Technol 5:2
  141. Häfeli UO, Gilmour K, Zhou A, Lee S, Hayden ME (2007). Simulation and implementation of magnetic bandages for drug targeting: Button magnets versus Halbach arrays. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 311, 323 - 329
  142. 2006

  143. Hayden ME, Häfeli UO (2006). 'Magnetic bandages' for targeted delivery of therapeutic agents. Journal of Physics and Condensed Matter 18, S2877-S2891
  144. 2005

  145. Zhang H, Häfeli UO (2005). Experimentation and modeling of electrodeposition of Rhenium-188 on medical 316L stainless steel wires. Plating and Surface Finishing 92, 40 - 44
  146. Häfeli UO, Lobedann MA, Steingroewer J, Moore, Riffle JS (2005). Optical method for measurement of magnetophoretic mobility of individual magnetic microspheres in defined magnetic field. J Magn Magn Mater 293, 224 - 239
  147. Yu JF, Häfeli UO, Xiao J, Li S, Dong M, Yin D, Wang Y (2005). Radiolabeling of poly(histidine)-derivatized biodegradable microspheres with rhenium-188 tricarbonyl complex [188Re(CO)3(H2O)3]. Nucl Med Commun 26, 453 - 458
  148. Algur E, Macklis RM, Häfeli UO (2005). Synergistic cytotoxic effects of zoledronic acid and radiation in human prostate cancer and myeloma cell lines. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 61, 535-542
  149. 2004

  150. Häfeli UO, Zhang H, Bahrehmand F, Reynaert N (2004). Development of an automated electroplater and dosimetry system for the electrodeposition and quality control of radioactive stents. Applied Radiation & Isotopes 61, 1313-1321
  151. Häfeli UO (2004). Magnetically modulated therapeutic systems. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 277, 19-24
  152. Iacob G, Rotariu O, Strachan NJC, Häfeli UO (2004). Magnetizable needles and wires - modeling an efficient way to target magnetic microspheres in vivo. Biorheology 41, 599-612
  153. Zhang H, Häfeli UO (2004). Preparation and characterization of radioactive Co/188Re stents intended for lung cancer treatment using an electrodeposition method. Journal of Medical Engineering Technology 28, 197-204
  154. Cao J, Wang Y, Yu J, Xia J, Zhang C, Yin D, Häfeli UO (2004). Preparation and radiolabeling of surface-modified magnetic nanoparticles with rhenium-188 for magnetic targeted radiotherapy. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 277, 165-174
  155. Häfeli UO, Subbarayan M, Mukhtar H (2004). Response to Letters to the Editor: Cooking Annexin V: A simple 1-pot procedure to destroy its phosphatidylserine-binding activity. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 45, 1098-1099
  156. Gupta S, Adhami VM, Subbarayan M, MacLennan GT, Lewin JS, Häfeli UO, Fu P, Mukhtar H (2004). Suppression of prostate carcinogenesis by dietary supplementation of celecoxib in transgenic adenocarcinoma of the mouse prostate model. Cancer Research 64 3334-3343
  157. 2003

  158. Yu J, Sands MJ, Dong Y, Häfeli UO (2003). 90Y-oxine-ethiodol, a potential radiopharmaceutical for the treatment of liver cancer. Applied Radiation & Isotopes 58, 567-573
  159. Subbarayan M, Häfeli UO, Feyes DK, Unnithan J, Emancipator SN, Mukhtar H (2003). A simplified method for the preparation of 99mTc-annexin V and its biological evaluation for in vivo imaging of apoptosis after photodynamic therapy. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 44, 650-656
  160. Kaminski MD, Nunez L, Ghebremeskel AN, Eastman JA, Chang F, Chien TH, Kasza KE, Fischer PF, Rosengart AJ, McDonald L, Xie Y, Johns L, Pytel P, Häfeli UO (2003). Magnetically responsive microparticles for targeted drug and radionuclide delivery. A review of recent progress and future challenges. Argonne, IL: Argonne National Laboratory ANL-03/28, 1-92
  161. Häfeli UO, Yu J, Farudi F, Li Y, Tapolsky G (2003). Radiolabeling of magnetic targeted carriers (MTC) with indium-111. Nuclear Medicine & Biology 30, 761-769
  162. 2002

  163. Häfeli UO, Ciocan R, Dailey JP (2002). Characterization of magnetic particles and microspheres and their magnetophoretic mobility using a digital microscopy method. European Cells and Materials 3 Suppl. 2, 24-27
  164. Yu JF, Häfeli UO, Dong Y, Sands MJ, Li YH, Failing S, Leakakos T, Tapolsky G (2002). Radiolabeling of magnetic targeted carriers with several therapeutic and imaging radioisotopes. Eur. Cells Mat., 3 Suppl. 2 16-18
  165. Reynaert N, Häfeli UO (2002). Response to Dr. Janicki's letter to the editor [Med. Phys. 29, 260 (2002)]. Medical Physics 29, 261
  166. 2001

  167. Häfeli UO, Pauer GJ, Miller DD (2001). Feasibility study for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer with the radioactive antiandrogen I-125-bicalutamide (I-125 Casodex). Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 44, S670-S672
  168. Rudershausen S, Häfeli UO, Grüttner C, Teller J (2001). Novel chelator containing particles specific for controlled radioisotope delivery. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 44, S838-S840
  169. Häfeli U, Pauer G, Failing S, Tapolsky G (2001). Radiolabeling of magnetic particles with rhenium-188 for cancer therapy. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 225, 73-78
  170. Reynaert N, Häfeli U (2001). Self-absorption correction for P-32, Au-198 and Re-188 stents: Dose point kernel calculations versus Monte Carlo. Medical Physics 28, 1883-1898
  171. Häfeli UO, Roberts WK, Pauer GJ, Kraeft SK, Macklis RM (2001). Stability of biodegradable radioactive rhenium (Re-186 and Re-188) microspheres after neutron-activation. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 54, 869-879
  172. 2000

  173. Evans EE, Häfeli UO, Wusirika R, Morrison PW (2000). Diamond like carbon coatings for rhenium wires and foils. Amorphous and nanostructured carbon 593, 433-438
  174. Häfeli UO, Roberts WK, Meier DS, Ciezki JP, Pauer GJ, Lee EJ, Weinhous M (2000). Dosimetry of a W-188/Re-188 beta line source for endovascular brachytherapy. Medical Physics 27, 668-675
  175. Erzurum VZ, Häfeli UO, Hirko MK, Schmidt SP, Rubin JR (2000). Local application of beta-particle radiation to reduce venous anastomotic intimal hyperplasia in polytetrafluorethylene arteriovenous fistulas. Vascular Surgery 34, 377-383
  176. 1999

  177. Schütt W, Grüttner C, Teller J, Westphal F, Häfeli UO, Paulke B, Goetz P, Finck W (1999). Biocompatible magnetic polymer carriers for in vivo radionuclide delivery. Artificial Organs 23, 98-103
  178. Häfeli UO, Casillas S, Dietz DW, Pauer GJ, Rybicki LA, Conzone SD, Day DE (1999). Hepatic tumor radioembolization in a rat model using radioactive rhenium (186Re/188Re) glass microspheres. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 44, 189-199
  179. Häfeli UO, Pauer GJ (1999). In vitro and in vivo toxicity of magnetic microspheres. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 194, 76-82
  180. Roberts WK, Häfeli UO (1999). Modeling rhenium-186 and rhenium-188 distribution in a neutron-activated rhenium wire and effect of the distribution on beta dosimetry in a water phantom. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 51, 543-549
  181. Ciezki JP, Häfeli UO, Song P, Urankar-Nagy N, Ratliff NB, Rybicki L, Brill K, Meier D (1999). Parenchymal cell proliferation in coronary arteries after PTCA: A human tissue bank study. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 45, 963-968
  182. Häfeli UO, Lee EJ, Ciezki J, Pauer GJ, Weinhous MS (1999). Suitability of beta-emitting rhenium for inhibiting restenosis in coronary arteries. Journal of Brachytherapy International 15, 1-11
  183. 1998

  184. Häfeli UO, Warburton MC, Landau U (1998). Electrodeposition of radioactive rhenium onto stents to prevent restenosis. Biomaterials 19, 925-933
  185. Conzone SD, Häfeli UO, Day DE, Ehrhardt GJ (1998). Preparation and properties of radioactive rhenium glass microspheres intended for in-vivo radioembolization therapy. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 42, 617-625
  186. 1997

  187. Schütt W, Grüttner C, Häfeli UO, Zborowski M, Teller J, Putzar H, Schümichen C (1997). Applications of magnetic targeting in diagnosis and therapy - possibilities and limitations. A mini-review. Hybridoma 16, 109-117
  188. Gallo JM, Häfeli UO (1997). Letter to the editor: A.S. Lübbe et al., Preclinical experiences with magnetic drug targeting: tolerance and efficacy. Cancer Res., 56: 4694-4701, 1996; and Clinical experiences with magnetic drug targeting: a phase I study with 4'-epidoxorubicin in 14 pat. Cancer Res 57, 3063-5
  189. 1995

  190. Häfeli UO, Sweeney SM, Beresford BA, Humm JL, Macklis RM (1995). Effective targeting of magnetic radioactive Y-90-microspheres to tumor cells by an externally applied magnetic field. Preliminary in vitro and in vivo results. Nuclear Medicine and Biology - International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part B 22, 147-155
  191. Häfeli UO, Pauer GJ, Macklis RM (1995). Treatment of mouse tumors with radioactive magnetic microspheres: Model for intracavitary radiotherapy. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials 22, 89-90
  192. 1994

  193. Häfeli UO, Sweeney SM, Beresford BS, Sim EH, Macklis RM (1994). Magnetically directed poly(lactic acid) Y-90-microspheres: Novel agents for targeted intracavitary radiotherapy. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 28, 901-908
  194. 1992

  195. Häfeli U, Atcher RW, Morris CE, Beresford B, Humm JL, Macklis RM (1992). Polymeric radiopharmaceutical delivery systems. Radioactivity & Radiochemistry 3, 11-14
  196. 1991

  197. Häfeli UO, Tiefenauer LX, Schubiger PA, Weder HG (1991). A lipophilic complex with Re-186/Re-186 incorporated in liposomes suitable for radiotherapy. Nuclear Medicine and Biology - International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part B 18, 449-454


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