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Past Members of the Hafeli Lab


Stephanie Schmitt

Synthesis of different ligands for radioisotope chelation


Nikolaus Gelder

Toxicity testing of different PET radiopharmaceuticals

Ripen Misri, Ph.D.

Development of radioimmunopharmaceuticals for the treatment of mesothelioma and pancreatic cancer

Silvio Dutz, Ph.D.

Development of magnetic and dean force separation on a microfluidic chip

Peter Soema

2010; University of British Columbia

Magnetic drug targeting to the eye

Meryn Bowen, Ph.D.

2010; University of British Columbia

Synthesis of chelating polymers

Ali Asadi, Ph.D.

2009-2010; University of British Columbia

Synthesis of Ga-68-binding ligands for use as radiopharmaceuticals

Nils Smit-Anseeuw

2010; University of British Columbia

Preparation of microspheres for smart vaccinations

Mirko Dengler

2009-2010; University of British Columbia

Magnetic drug targeting to the eye

Scott Bell

2005-2009; University of British Columbia

Website manager and computing support

Veronika Schmitt

2009; University of British Columbia

Magnetically driven LPL release in cardiomyocytes

Marcel Usner

2009; University of British Columbia

Preparation of microspheres for use in vaccination

Ming Kui Ho

2009; University of British Columbia

Magnetic drug targeting in coronary artery stents

Carmen Lai

2009; University of British Columbia

Electrospinning of chelating polymers for brachytherapy applications

Bobby Lee

2009; University of British Columbia

Preparation of microspheres for use in vaccinations

Casey Chan

2009; University of British Columbia

Preparation of monosized microspheres by flow focusing

Philipp Elischer

2008; University of British Columbia

Preparation of monosized microspheres by flow focusing for lung perfusion imaging

Amir Mokhtari

2008; University of British Columbia

Percutaneous drug delivery with microneedles

Viktoria van Erp

2008-2009; University of British Columbia

Wound healing therapy based on cholestane trisulfates

Maryam Zamiri

2007-2008; University of British Columbia

Synthesis of radiolabeled lymph-going lipid

Leo Dai

2008; University of British Columbia

Histological receptor study in mesothelioma patients

Maher Qaddoura, M.S.

2005-2008; University of British Columbia

Development of novel liquid crystalline coated magnetic nanoparticles

Jenny Ng

2008; University of British Columbia

Preparation of radioactive biodegradable films.

Bettina Berndl

2007-2008; University of British Columbia

Growth factor containing microspheres and determination of their biological activity.

Michael Glodeck

2007-2008; University of British Columbia

Pressure driven preparation of uniform microspheres using a flow focusing method.

Shona Robinson

Summer 2007 and 2008; University of British Columbia

Synthesis of non-carrier added I-123 MIBG for nuclear medicine applications
and Preparation of radioactive biodegradable films

Hong Zhao, Ph.D.

2005-2007; University of British Columbia

Preparation and testing of growth factor containing magnetic microspheres for the treatment of badly healing diabetic ulcers

Thomas Schneider

2006-2007; University of British Columbia

Use of flow-focusing method for the preparation of monosized biodegradable microspheres

Kelly Gilmour

2006-2007; University of British Columbia

Simulation of magnetic forces and magnetic particle behaviour and optimization of a magnetic bandage for magnetic drug delivery

Ariana Saatchi

2006-2007; University of British Columbia

Anti-cancer properties of passion fruit

David Si

2006-2007; University of British Columbia

Simulation of flow focusing processes for the preparation of uniform in collaboration with Prof. Fariborz Taghipour

Jennifer Aue

2006-2007; University of British Columbia

Investigation of cellular toxicity of magnetic nano- and microparticles with cell survival assays and confocal microscopy

Ki-Young Song Ki-Young Song

2005-2006; University of British Columbia

Nanotechnological preparation of chips with defined hole arrays for the preparation of monosized microspheres

Bikaramjit Mann

2006; University of British Columbia

Use of flow-focusing method for the preparation of monosized biodegradable microspheres

Jeffrey Gagnon

2005-2006; University of British Columbia

Preparation of magnetic microspheres with growth factors 

Stanley Lee

2006; University of British Columbia

Simulation of magnetic forces and magnetic particle behaviour and optimization of a magnetic bandage for magnetic drug delivery

Adrian Zee

2005-2006; University of British Columbia

Simulation of monosized microsphere preparation using computational fluid dynamics in collaboration with Prof. Fariborz Taghipour

Didier Hayem, B. Sc.

2005-2006; University of British Columbia

Preparation of monosized microspheres

Amy Zhou

2005; University of British Columbia

Simulation of magnetic forces and magnetic particle behaviour and optimization of a magnetic bandage for magnetic drug delivery

Emin Nadjafov

2004; University of British Columbia

Investigation of fibrin glue as radiation delivery vehicle for tumour treatment

Framin Mark

2005; University of British Columbia

Testing of magnetic particles for biocompatibility and toxicity

Tammy Ho

2005; University of British Columbia

Preparation and mechanical testing of biodegradable polymer patches

Jaime Damani

2005; University of British Columbia

Investigation of cellular toxicity of magnetic nano- and microparticles with cell survival assays and confocal microscopy

Klaus Freitag, M. S.

2004-2005; University of British Columbia

Investigation of the cardiovascular lipoproteinlipase kinetics with magnetic microspheres

Gary Chen, B. S.

2004-2005; University of British Columbia

Optimization of solvent extraction for formation of monodisperse microspheres for drug delivery: analysis by computational fluid dynamics (CFD)

Ece Algur, M. D.

2003-2004; Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Investigation of the combined effects of zoledronic acid and radiation

Huixiong Zhang, Ph. D.

2002-2003; Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Development and automatization of radioactive 188Re-stents for the treatment of lung cancer patients

Junfeng Yu, Ph. D.

2001-2002; Cleveland Clinic Foundation; now at Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China

Radiolabeling of different types of magnetic microspheres with 188Re and 99mTc for the treatment of cancer

Jaya Unnithan, M. D.

2001-2002; Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Investigation of magnetic microsphere toxicity and development of fibrin glue as a carrier of brachytherapeutic particles

Martin Lobedann, M. S.

2002; Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Measurement of the magnetic responsiveness of magnetic microspheres with a microscopy method

Yin Xu, Ph. D.

2003; Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Electroplating of metal stents with yttrium

Vichien Tangpanyapinit, Ph. D.

2002; Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Decontamination of radioactivity with medically useful chelators

Murugesan Subbarayan, Ph. D.

2001-2002; Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Radiolabeling of Annexin V with 99mTc and imaging of its uptake during photosensitizer therapy of melanoma and prostate cancer

Berwin Song

1999; Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Preparation of monosized microspheres with a oscillating instrument

Farhad Bahrehmand, El. Ing.

1999-2004; Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Electronic design and execution of the automated stent electroplater

Priscilla Song, M. S.

1998; Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Parenchymal cell proliferation in coronary arteries after PTCA: A human tissue bank study

Matt Warburton, Ph. D.

1997; Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Preparation of radioactive stents by electroplating

Gayle Pauer, B. Sc.

1993-2001; Cleveland Clinic Foundation

All aspects of our radiopharmaceutical research

Bill Roberts, Ph. D.

1994-2004; Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Radiopharmaceutical dosimetry simulations and medical physics investigations

Last Modified: July 13, 2011.
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