Applications of Magnetic Carriers
September 5 - 7, 1996
Rostock, Germany
Thursday, Sept. 5, 1996
9:00 Welcome address
by the University of Rostock, Prof. Dr. C. Schümichen
9:15 Opening Lectures
Chairmen: U. Häfeli (Cleveland), W. Schütt (Rostock)
U. Häfeli (Cleveland)
The Mystery and History of Magnetism
J. Ugelstad, P. Stenstad and W. Prestvik (Trondheim)
Preparation and Application of monodisperse magnetic particles
10:00 Preparation and Modification of Biodegradable Magnetic Particles
Chairmen: J. Ugelstad (Trondheim), L. Allen (La Jolla)
N. Moumen and M.P. Pileni (Paris)
Control of very small Nanosized Cobalt Ferrite Magnetic Fluids
R. Müller (Berlin)
Intravenously Injected Particles: Surface Properties and Interaction with Blood
Proteins - the Key Determining the Organ Distribution
10:45 V. Skagestad (Oslo)
Magnetic Particles for Biomedical Applications
B.-R. Paulke, N. Buske and S. Winoto-Morbach (Teltow-Seehof)
Synthesis Studies on Paramagnetic Polystyrene Latex Particles
N. Buske (Berlin)
Preparation and Characterization of Modified Ferro- and Ferrimagnetic Nanoparticles and
W. Schüppel, R. Müller, C. Ulbrich (Jena)
On the Applicability of Magnetic Particles Prepared by Glass Crystallization
11:45 Particle and Cell Characterization / Biophysical Aspects
Chairmen: S. Margel (Ramat-Gau), W. Schütt (Rostock)
M. Zborowski (Cleveland)
Physics of the Magnetic Cell Sorting
S. Winoto-Morbach, V. Tchikov, J. Treumer and W. Müller-Ruchholtz (Kiel, Flensburg,
Measuring Cell Subpopulations Recognized with Immunomagnetic Microspheres
G. Weber (Munich)
Free-Flow Magnetic Cell Sorting
13:15 G. Blankenstein (Lyngby)
Micro-fabricated Flow Ship for Magnetic Cell and Particle Separation
C. Grüttner, J. Teller, F. Westphal, B.-R. Paulke, W. Schütt, H. Putzar, C.
Schümichen (Rostock, Berlin)
Particles for in vivo Application
G. Grümmer and A. Budde (Rostock)
Electrophor - A Breakthrough in Particle and Cell Electrophoresis
O.A. Kuznetsov and K.H. Hasenstein (Louisiana, Moscow)
Magnetophoretic Characterization of Plant Gravity Receptors
St.-K. Kraeft (Boston, Rostock)
Confocal Microscopy in Living Cells using Microbeads and other Fluorescent Indicators
14:45 Applications in Molecular Biology
Chairmen: R. Arshady (London), J. Teller (Rostock)
L. Korsnes (Oslo)
Magnetic Separation and Applications of Cell and Tissue Specific mRNA
A. Rian (Oslo)
Protein Purification and Rare Cell Isolation using Dynabeads with Alternative Surface
Structure and Chemistries
C. Smith (Boston)
P.A. Liberti (Huntington Valley)
Bioreceptor Fluids: Novel Characteristics and their Utility in Medical Applications
Chairmen: L. Korsnes (Oslo), M. Safarikova (Ceske Budjevice)
T. Matsunaga and S. Kamiya (Tokyo, Akita)
Production of Protein (Enzyme, Antibody, Protein A) - Magnetite Complex by Genetic
engineered magnetic Bacteria Magnetospirillum sp. AMB-1
L. Kommissarova, A. Kuznetsov, E. Kazarina and S. Komissarov (Moscow)
The Use of Magnetic Sorbents for the Manufacture of Globin and Hemin
H. Aurich (Halle)
Culture of Hepatocytes on Magnetic Microcarriers
16:45 Applications in Cell Separation and Analysis
Chairmen: P. Stenstad (Oslo), M. Zborowski (Cleveland), St. Miltenyi (Munich)
M. Zborowski (Cleveland)
Free-Flow Magnetic Cell Sorting using Molecular and Colloidal Magnetic Labels
I. Safarik and M. Safarikova (Ceske Budejovice)
Magnetic Separations in Biosciences and Biotechnologies
H. Yu (Erdec, USA)
Use of Immuno-Magnetic Carriers to Enhance Assay Possibility in Biological Samples
P. Stenstad, J. Ugelstad and W. Prestvik (Oslo)
A New Method for Detaching Beads from Isolated Cells
S. Winoto-Morbach and W. Müller-Ruchholtz (Kiel)
Efficiency of Magnetic Albumine Microspheres for Cell Labeling Immunospecifically
S. Baatout, P. Jacquet, L. de Saint-Georges and L. Baugnet-Mahieu (Mol, Brussels)
Isolation of Megakaryocytes using Magnetic Cell Separation
M. Safarikova and I. Safarikov (Ceske Budejovice)
Isolation of Planar Organic Compounds Using Copper Phthalocyanine Dye Immobilized on
Magnetic Carriers
C. Sestier, J.N. Pons, J. Roger, D. Sabolovic and A. Halbreich (Paris)
The Covalent Binding of Lectins and Antibodies to Thiolated Super-Paramagnetic
Particles and their Use for Magnetic Cell Sorting
Friday, Sept. 6, 1996
9:00 Biomedical and Clinical Applications - Part A
Chairmen: E.I. Ruuge (Moscow), R. Müller (Berlin), J.C. Bacri (Paris)
M. Meza (Carmel)
Application of Magnetic Particles in Immunoassays
S. Mohan (Indianapolis)
Magnetic Polymer Microspheres for Diagnostic and Medical Applications
J. Plavins (Riga)
Magnetic Blood Cells: Potential in Cell Separation Technology
M. Vladimirsky, A. Kusnetzov and A. Filippov (Moscow)
Tuberculosis Diagnostics Using Magnetic Particles
A.Halbreich (Paris)
Scientific and Clinical Applications of Ferrofluids Covalently Bound to Various
Biological Ligands
D. Sabolovic (Paris)
Red Blood Cells in Alzheimer Disease
10:45 Biomedical and Clinical Applications - Part B
Chairmen: A.A. Kusnetzov (Moscow), O.M. Mikhailik (Kiev), H. Notbohm (Lübeck)
W. Andrä (Jena)
Magnetic Measurement of Local Passage Velocity Through the Gut
H. Notbohm (Lübeck)
Magnetomechanical Stimulation of Mesenchymal Cells
B. Hertzog (Providence)
Microsperes for Use in a Novel Electromagnetic Bioadhesion Testing System
J.H. Lehr (Boston)
Biochemical Properties of Cells Measured by Magnetic Twisting Cytometry (MTC)
12:45 Biomedical Applications: Detoxification, Artificial Organs
Chairmen: A. Malenkov (Moscow), C. Smith (Boston)
A. Kuznetsov, E. Dobrinsky and A. Harutyunyan (Moscow)
Iron-Carbon Particles - Promising Adsorbents for Clinical Applications
Ch. Weber (Krems)
Specific Blood Purification by means of Antibody-Conjugate Magnetic Microspheres
L. Goncharoc, M. Serdobov, V. Filippov, A. Kuznetsov (Moscow)
Immobilization of liver cells on ferroparticles for artificial liver creation
V. Filippov, M. Kutushov, A. Kuznetsov (Moscow)
New Method of Biological Fluids Detoxification based on Magnetic Adsorbents
S. Makhmudov, V. Filippov and A. Kuznetsov (Moscow)
Application of Magnetically Guided Transport of Medicinal Preparations for Pathological
Conditions Prophylactics
Saturday, Sept. 7, 1996
9:00 In vivo Applications: Concepts and Results
a) MRT-Contrast Agents
Chairmen: L. Tiefenauer (Villigen), J.W. Bulte (Bethesda), K.W. Sievers (Rostock)
J. Bulte (Bethesda)
T1 and T2 Relaxation by Magnetic Nanoparticles: An Overview
L. Tiefenauer (Villigen)
Magnetite Particles as a Tumor Contrast Agent in MRI
S. Wagner, M. Kresse, M. Taupitz, D. Pfefferer, W. Abert, R. Lawaczeck, B. Hamm,
K..-J. Wolf and W. Semmler (Berlin)
Intravenous MR Lymphography with Iron Oxide Particles in Rats and Rabbits
S. Päuser, S. Wagner, R. Reszka, K.-J. Wolf and G. Berger (Berlin)
Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Particles (Spio) as Markers for Magnetic resonance Imaging
(MRI): Guided Search of Tumorspecific Liposomes
M.F. Da Silva, F. Gendron, J.C. Bacri, J.N. Pons, J. Roger, D. Sabolovic, C. Sestier
and Halbreich (Paris)
Detection of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Biological Fluids by Ferromagnetic Resonance
O.A. Mikhailik, O.N. Razumov, Y.V. Pankratov (Kiev)
Iron Containing Nanoparticles Distribution, Biotransformation and Aggregation in Living
Bodies on Evidence Derived from ESR, Mossbauer and Squid-magnetometry Data
K.W. Sievers (Rostock)
Basics and Problems of Contrast Agents in MRT
11.00 b) Drug Delivery and Radionuclide Therapy
Chairmen: J. Gallo (Philadelphia), U. Häfeli (Cleveland), C. Schümichen (Rostock)
J. Gallo (Philadelphia)
Targeting Magnetic Microspheres to Brain Tumors
A. Malenkov, S. Dvumerstov, A. Vanin and A. Kuznetsov (Moscow)
Magnetically Guided Transport of Anti-Cancer Drugs
L.M. Allen, T. Kent, J. Johnson, C. Wolfe and C. Ficco (La Jolla)
Magnetically Susceptible Drug Carriers: Paclitaxel Binding and Release
U. Häfeli (Cleveland) Magnetically Targeted Microspheres for Intracavitary and Intraspinal Y-90 Radiotherapy
C. Schümichen, W. Schütt, C. Grüttner, J. Teller, H. Putzar, W. Rutz and
S. Dunkelmann (Rostock)
Directed Radionuclide Delivery: Possibilities and Limitations
M. Pluzian (Jerewan)
Histological Investigations of Tissue in Presence of Ferromagnetic Particles
13:00 c) Hyperthermia
Chairmen: A. Halbreich (Paris), A. Jordan (Berlin)
D. Chan, D. Kirpotin and P. Bunn (Denver)
Physico-Chemistry and in Vivo Tissue Heating Properties of Colloidal Magnetic Iron
Oxides with Increased Power Absorption Rates
A. Jordan, R. Scholz, P. Wust, H. Faehling, J. Krause and R. Felix (Berlin)
Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia (MFH)
J. Bacri, M. Da Silva, R. Perzynski, A. Halbreich, C. Setier, D. Sabolovic, J. Pons and
J. Roger (Paris)
The Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Thermolysis of Cells in a Ferrofluid
D. Müller-Schulte, F. Füssli, H. Leuken, M. De Cuyper (Aachen, Kortrjik-Leuven)
Novel Magnetic Micro- and Nanoparticles for Biomedical Analysis and as Means for a
New AIDS Therapy
14:00 Closing of the Scientific Meeting
C. Schümichen, U. Häfeli, W. Schütt