Equipment / Services
Aeon Scientific
Tannenstrasse 3, CLA H14.2, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland http://www.aeon-scientific.com Magnetic manipulator (table top instrument) to direct single or groups of magnetic particles with 5 degrees-of-freedom |
Phone: 41 (0) 44 633 92 98 Fax: 41 44 632 10 78 |
ARkival Technology Corp.
Nashua, NH 03064, U.S.A. http://www.arkival.com/ Supplier of contract technical services that include VSM measurements of all magnetic material types, Particle metrics via magnetic technology, SEM, TEM and EDX measurements. |
Phone: (603) 881-3322 |
Bio-Magnetics Ltd
Yahud, Israel http://www.bio-magnetics.us/ |
Phone: 972-3-534-2322 Fax: 972-3-635-6478 |
Chemagen Biopolymer Technology
Baesweiler, Germany http://www.chemagen.de/ Automated magnetic separation in 96-well format |
Phone: 49 (0) 2401 805 500 Fax: 49 (0) 2401 805 509 |
Diagnostic Biosensors
Minneapolis, MN, USA http://www.diagnosticbiosensors.com/ Diagnostic Biosensors is to produce miniaturized biosensors and actuators that integrate with diagnostic sensing systems for life science and analytical applications. These micro-components are small and inexpensive enough to be thrown away along with a larger consumable cartridge or tube. The company has a leading position in combining silicon sensors and actuators with molded plastic sample handling assemblies. mark@diagnosticbiosensors.com |
Phone: (612) 331-3584 |
Edmund Scientific
Barrington, NJ, U.S.A http://www.scientificsonline.com/ Demagnetizer, Magnets, Electromagnets |
Phone: (800) 728-6999 Fax: (800) 828-3299 |
European Institute of Science
223 70 Lund, Sweden http://www.euris.org/ Magnetic permeability meter |
Phone: 46 46 286 2230 Fax: 46 46 286 2499 |
Nashua, NH, U.S.A. http://www.ferrotec.com/ Educational ferrofluid kit |
Phone: (603) 883-9800 Fax: (603) 883-2308 |
San Carlos, CA, U.S.A. http://www.gmw.com/ Teslameters, high precision magnetic field mapping |
Phone: (650) 802-8292 Fax: (650) 802-8298 |
Great Magtech Electric
Software Park III, Jimei District, Xiamen, China http://www.greatmagtech.com/ This company sells special magnets, magnetic separators, magnetic chucks as well as flexible magnets sales@greatmagtech.com |
Phone: 86-592-6682467 |
HaSoTec GmbH
Rostock, Germany http://www.hasotec.com/ Particle and Cell Electrophoresis, movement analysis |
Phone: 49 381 4909834 Fax: 49 381 4909835 |
Implementa Hebe AB
Odarsloevsvaegen 50, SE-225 92 Lund, Sweden http://www.implementa.se - MFG-1000, magnetic field generator for magnetic nanoarticles in research projects |
Phone: 46 (0) 732 06 45 00 |
LGC Genomics
Berlin, Germany http://www.lgc.co.uk/ Magnetic separator, automatic (robot) or manual |
Phone: 49 (0)30 5304 2250 |
Magnetic Biosolutions
Stockholm, Sweden http://www.magbio.com/ Automated magnetic separation |
Phone: 46 8 440 04 85 Fax: 46 89 411 18 50 |
Magnetic Insight
Alameda, CA, U.S.A. https://www.magneticinsight.com/ MPI Imager "Momentum", vivotrax magnetic nanoparticles info@magneticinsight.com |
Phone: 1 510 291 1200 |
Magnetic Shield Corporation
Bensenville, IL, U.S.A. http://magnetic-shield.com/ Magnetic shielding (for monitors etc.) |
Phone: 1-888-766-7800 Phone 2: (630) 766-7800 Fax: (630) 766-2813 |
Magnets & Magnetic Equipment
http://www.themagnetguide.com/ Exhaustive B2B online gateway providing relevant information to manufacturers, suppliers and exporters of various types of magnets and magnetic products. |
MSI Automation, Induction Heating Division
Wichita, KS, U.S.A. http://www.msiautomation.com Manufacturer of Magnetic Hyperthermia Systems used for cancer research and experimental magnetic nanoparticle heating |
Phone: (316) 681-3566 Fax: (316) 681-1433 |
NanoScience Laboratories
University of Keele, Newcastle under Lyme ST5 5BB, UK http://nslabs.co.uk/ Nanoheat magnetic hyperthermia equipment, magnetic field probes info@nslabs.co.uk |
Phone: 44 (0)1782 631 897 |
Nanotech Solutions
Ctra Madrid, 23 40150 Villacastin SPAIN www.ntsol.es Nanotech Solutions is a company composed by experts in instrumentation and nanomagnetism research with long track in development, testing and manufacturing advanced instrumentation. Nanotech Solutions supplies instrumentation for characterizing and exploiting the magnetization response of magnetic nanoparticles in colloidal dispersions, gels or inside biological matrices at room temperature. francisco.teran@ntsol.es |
nanoTherics Limited
Stoke-on-Trent, U.K. http://www.nanotherics.com/ Magnetic hyperthermia test system |
Phone: 44 1782 554 047 Fax: 44 1782 747 319 |
nB nanoScale Biomagnetics
Zaragoza, Spain http://www.nbnanoscale.com/ Instruments for magnetic hyperthermia, the DM 100 contact@nbnanoscale.com |
Phone: 34 976 741 714 |
PSS Bio Instruments Inc.
Livermore, CA, U.S.A. http://www.pssbio.com/ Robotic magnetic separation |
Phone: (925) 960-9180 Fax: (925) 960-9184 |
Quantum Design
San Diego, CA, U.S.A. http://www.qdusa.com/ Magnetic assay reader |
Phone: 1-800-289-6996 Phone 2: (858) 481-4400 Fax: (858) 481-7410 |
Last Modified: February 27, 2012 -
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