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Interesting Books

book_tit.JPG (49722 bytes) This book was originally planned as the proceedings volume of the 1996 conference. However, the final book Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Microspheres is much more than the usual proceedings in that it is a current review of all the different applications of magnetic carriers. This highly useful and educational book contains up-to-date, state of the art information of the entire field of magnetic carriers (see contents).

PLENUM Press, New York, 1997
ISBN: 0-306-45687-7. 644 pp.
Eds. Urs Häfeli, Wolfgang Schütt, Joachim Teller, Maciej Zborowski

The book is available at www.bestbookbuys.com.

Magnetic Cell Separation
This book wonderfully reviews the magnetic forces and field configurations to separate cells with magnetophoretic techniques. Particle synthesis specific for cell separation, cell toxicity testing and applications in biology are also described with many practical examples.

Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2008
ISBN: 978-0-444-52754-7. 454 pp.
Eds. Maciej Zborowski, Jeff Chalmers

The book is available at www.amazon.com.


Colloidal Magnetic Fluids:  Basics, Development and Application of Ferrofluids
Ferrofluids are fascinating and currently mainly used in technological applications. In order to better understand the basic physics and rheological behaviour, and extend their uses to biological applications such as magnetic drug targeting, the German Research Community has since 2000 sponsored a research program about the basic aspects of ferrofluids. This book is now the conclusion of these efforts by 90 scientists, precisely summarized in six chapters that include particle preparation and biomedical applications. The strongest parts, however, are the physical basis of (thermo)dynamics of ferrofluids, their spike formation, their rheological microscopic behaviour and finally a chapter of technical applications. It is truly a book about the state of the art of ferrofluids!

Springer, Berlin, 2009
ISBN: 978-3540853862. 430 pp.
Ed. Stefan Odenbach

The book is available at www.amazon.com.
This book describes the magnetic field effects on materials. If you ever wanted to know how to generate high magnetic fields, how magnetic levitation works, what magnetohydrodynamic or magnetothermodynamic effects are, then this book gives you all the fundamentals and applications. Dynamic spin chemistry is also described in detail. See contents.

Kodansha/Springer, Tokyo, 2007
ISBN: 978-3540370611
Eds. Masuhiro Yamaguchi, Yoshifumi Tanimoto

The book is available at www.amazon.com.
Biomagnetism and Magnetic Biosystems based on Molecular Recognition Processes
This book was published after an interesting conference in Spain and tries to connect magnetic entities and materials with biomedical applications. Large advancements are also reported in the development of magnetic biosensors and detection systems. See contents.
In memory of Tony Bland.

American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2008
AIP Conference Proceedings 1025
ISBN: 978-0-7354-0547-9
Eds. J. Anthony Bland, Adrian Ionescu

The book is available through AIP.
Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials, 5 Volume Set

This set of books about magnetism and magnetic materials is broken into 5 volumes focusing on Fundamentals and Theory, Micromagnetism, Novel Techniques for Characterizing and Preparing Samples, Novel Materials and Spintronics and Magnetoelectronics. (see contents).

Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2006
ISBN: 978-0-470-02217-7. 3064 pp.
Eds. Helmut Kronmüller and Stuart Parkin

andrae.jpg (20119 bytes) Another exciting book: Magnetism in medicine: A handbook 2nd Edition

This second, completely updated and extended edition of the only reference work in this growing field features new chapters on fetal magnetography and magnetic field therapy, as well as the safety aspects of magnetic fields.

The main chapters are biomagnetism (biomagnetic instrumentation, cardiomagnetism, neuromagnetism and fetal magnetography), magnetic resonance (physical principles and technology of magnetic resonance imaging and modern applications of MRI) and magnetic substances and externally applied fields (magnetic monitoring as a diagnostic method, remote-controlled drug delivery, magnetic stimulation, liver iron susceptometry and more). (see contents and a review that was published in "Medical Physics").

Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2006
ISBN: 3-527-40558-5. 631 pp.
Eds. Wilfried Andrä and Hannes Nowak

Colloidal Nanoparticles in Biotechnology

If you want to know the newest applications of colloidal nanoparticles in biotechnology, then this is the book for you. One chapter covers the use of magnetic nanoparticles as biosensors. (see contents).

Wiley, 2008
ISBN: 978-0-470-23052-7
358 pp.
Eds. Abdelhamid Elaissari

nanotech_book.jpg Nanotechnology in biology and medicine

This comprehensive book contains an excellent review article about magnetic nanoparticles as contrast agents for medical diagnosis (chapter 29) written by Louis Tiefenauer. Check it out! (see contents).

CRC Press , 2007
ISBN: 9780849329494. 792 pp.
Tuan Vo-Din

yamaguchi_book.jpg Nanoparticles and Occupational Health
The first International Symposium on Nanotechnology and Occupational Health, in 2004, brought together hygienists, manufacturers, toxicologists, materials scientists, regulators and researchers. It pointed the way to what needs to be done. The second International Symposium, 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota, demonstrated the power and potential where there is a will: with nearly three times as many attendants, and with contributions from academics, industry, policymakers, non-government organizations and even lawyers, this second symposium established that, while there is international concern over how to ensure safe nanotech-workplaces, there is also progress being made in developing the required knowledge.

This volume, a reprint from a special issue of the Journal of Nanoparticle Research, mainly draws from work presented at the 2005 symposium, diverse but united by the need for a holistic view of nanotechnology and risk. Table of Contents

Reprinted from JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH, 9:1, February 2007
ISBN: 978-1-4020-5858-5
Hardcover: 2007, VI, 186 pages
Maynard, Andrew D.; Pui, David Y.H. (Eds.)
Price: US $109

This book covers how teeth, bones, kidney stones and other things are made by nature, in a process called Biomineralization. What is interesting to the magnetic microsphere community is the fact that almost half the book covers the biomineralization of magnetite - and there are lots of useful things we can learn from Mother Nature! The second edition of this book was just published in December 2004 and contains lots of new information, especially about the use of bacteria to grow magnetic particles (see contents).

Wiley John and Sons (Wiley - VCH), New York, December 2004
ISBN: 3-527-31065-7. 361 pp.
Ed. Edmund Bäuerlein

kloss.jpg (15616 bytes) Anybody who is really interested in the most thorough researched History of Magnetism should read this book - however, he will have to learn German for this purpose!

VDE Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Offenbach, 1994
ISBN: 3-8007-1878-2. 320 pp.
Albert Kloss

livingst.jpg (20420 bytes) Driving Force - the natural magic of magnets unfolds the long and colorful history of magnets: how they guided (or misguided) Columbus; mesmerized eighteenth-century Paris but failed to fool Benjamin Franklin; lifted AC power over its rival, DC and so on. In a way that will delight and instruct even the nonmathematical among us, James Livingston shows us how scientists today are creating magnets and superconductors that can levitate high-speed trains, produce images of our internal organs, steer high-energy particles in giant accelerators, and heat our morning coffee.

I have this book in my library and recommend it for everybody interested in magnets and magnetism - it is very entertaining and easy to read.

Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1996
ISBN: 0-674-21644-X. 311 pp.
James D. Livingston

wpe1.jpg (3272 bytes) Iron, Nature's Universal Element : Why People Need Iron & Animals Make Magnets is an entertaining, challenging, but also very informative book about the role iron plays and why it can't be replaced by any other element.

Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N.J., 2000
ISBN: 0813528313. 204 pp.
Eugene Vorburger Mielczarek and Sharon Bertsch McGrayne
List Price: $ 30.00

arshady_book_title.jpg (17608 bytes) Radiolabeled and Magnetic Particulates in Medicine & Biology is part of the MML series that describes the preparation and properties of all different kinds of microspheres, microcapsules, and liposomes. This excellent series contains now already 8 volumes. Have a look at the content here.

Citus Books, London, England, 2001
ISBN: 0953218732. 640 pp.
Reza Arshady (Editor)
List Price: US$170 (H&S 15), UK99 (H&S 7)
For more information or to order: http://www.kentusbooks.com

mag_beyond_2000_book.gif (16137 bytes) Magnetism beyond 2000 summarize the most significant recent and ongoing exciting scientific and technological developments in 46 articles. It provide both the flavor and meaning of magnetism as a vital field of importance to both basic science and device applications.

Elsevier, 1999
ISBN: 0-444-50337-4. 820 pp.
A.J. Freeman, S.D. Bader (Editors)
List Price: $ 213, Euro 190

The Iron Oxides can be considered the standard text about the chemistry of iron and discusses in great detail the structure, properties, reactions, occurrences and uses of iron oxides. There are color tables which make it easy to determine what you synthesized in your lab - but even more important, there are very exact methods given of making for example magnetite and not maghemite.

John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2003
ISBN: 3527302743, 703 pp., 2nd edition
R. M. Cornell, U. Schwertmann
List Price: $235 (check here for better deals)

Magnetic Techniques for the Treatment of Materials presents the changes during the last two decades in theoretical understanding and practical implementation of magnetic techniques in materials treatment. It covers magnetic separators based on permanent and superconducting magnets, eddy-current separators and industrial implementation of magnetic carriers and fluids.

Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004
ISBN: 1402020384, 656 pp.
Jan Svoboda
List Price: $253 / 230 Euros

Ferrofluids: Magnetically Controllable Fluids and Their Applications is an excellent review about the basic theories and applications of magnetic fluids. Have a look at the table of contents here.

Springer Verlag, 2002
ISBN: 3540439781, 251 pp.
Stefan Odenbach
List Price: $62

A detailed treatise of the Magnetoviscous Effects in Ferrofluids is discussed in a separate book.

Springer Verlag, 2002
ISBN: 3540430687, 151 pp.
Stefan Odenbach
List Price: $39

Although more about the synthesis of polymeric colloids and biomolecules, two books published in honor of the retirement of Prof. Christian Pichot contain some information about magnetic particles. The first book is Colloidal Polymers:

Marcel Dekker, 2003
ISBN: 0-8247-4304-0, 464 pp.
Edited by Abdelhamid Elaissari
List price $175

And the second book in the same series is Colloidal Biomolecules, Biomaterials, and Biomedical Applications:

Marcel Dekker, 2003
ISBN: 0-8247-4779-8, 496 pp.
Edited by Abdelhamid Elaissari
List price $175

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