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References 1999![]() After every "Magnetic Carrier Meeting", we publish a book or a special issue that contains the most-up-todate research in our area. The April 1999 edition of the "Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials", Volume 194 contains 38 original papers published after the 1998 meeting. Have a look at the Table of Contents. |
Abbasov T, Herdem S, Köksal M (1999). Particle capture in axial magnetic filters with power law flow model. J Phys D: Appl Phys 32, 1097-1103.
Atarashi T, Kim YS, Fujita T, Nakatsuka K (1999). Synthesis of ethylene-glycol based magnetic fluid using silica-coated iron particle. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 201, 7-10.
Babincova M, Altanerova V, Lampert M, Altaner C, Machova E, Sramka M, Babinec P (1999). Feasibility of in vivo magnetoliposome targeting. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters 4, 260.
Babincova M, Leszczynska D, Sourivong P, Babinec P (1999). Picosecond laser pulses mediated drug release from magnetoliposomes. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters 4, 625-630.
Babincova M, Sourivong P, Leszczynska D, Babinec P (1999). Activation of hematoporphyrin in alternating magnetic field: Possible implications for cancer treatment. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 54c, 993-995.
Bausch AR, Moeller W, Sackmann E (1999). Measurement of local viscoelasticity and forces in living cells by magnetic tweezers. Biophysical Journal 76, 573-579.
Bhatt R, Scott B, Whitney S, Bryan RN, Cloney L, Lebedev A (1999). Detection of nucleic acids by cycling probe technology on magnetic particles: high sensitivity and ease of separation. Nucleosides & Nucleotides 18, 1297-1299.
Broomberg J, Gelinas S, Finch JA, Xu Z (1999). Review of magnetic carrier technologies for metal ion removal. Magnetic and electrical separation 9, 169-188.
Bryant LH, Brechbiel MW, Wu C, Bulte JWM, Herynek V, Frank JA (1999). Synthesis and relaxometry of high-generation (G=5,7,9, and 10) PAMAM dendrimer-DOTA-gadolinium chelates. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 9, 348-352.
Bulte JWM, Zhang SC, van Gelderen P, Herynek V, Jordan EK, Duncan ID, Frank JA (1999). Neurotransplantation of magnetically labeled oligodendrocyte progenitors: Magnetic resonance tracking of cell migration and myelination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science - USA 96, 15256-15261.
Caldarelli-Stefano R, Vago L, Bonetto S, Nebuloni M, Costanzi G (1999). Use of magnetic beads for tissue DNA extraction and IS6110 Mycobacterium tuberculosis PCR. Journal of Clinical Pathology: Molecular Pathology 52, 158-160.
Carneiro AA, Baffa O, Oliveira RB (1999). Study of stomach motility using the relaxation of magnetic tracers. Physics in Medicine and Biology 44, 1691-1697.
Caruso F, S. SA, M. G, H. M (1999). Magnetic core shell particles: Preparation of Magnetic Multilayers on Polymer Ltex Microspheres. Advanced Materials 11, 950-953.
Chasteen ND, Harrison PM (1999). Mineralization of ferritin: An efficient means of iron storage. Journal of Structural Biology 126, 182-194.
Consigny PM, Silverberg DA, Vitali NJ (1999). Use of endothelial cells containing superparamagnetic microspheres to improve endothelial cell delivery to arterial surfaces after angioplasty. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 10, 155-163.
Coroiu I (1999). Relaxivities of different superparamagnetic particles for application in NMR tomography. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 201, 449-452.
Creson JR, Lin AA, Li Q, Broad DF, Roberts MR, Anderson SJ (1999). The mode and duration of anti-CD28 costimulation determine resistance to infection by macrophage-tropic strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in vitro. Journal of Virology 73, 9337-9347.
de Gans BJ, Blom C, Mellema J, Philipse AP (1999). Preparation and magnetisation of a silica-magnetite inverse ferrofluid. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 201, 11-13.
Dobson J, St. Pierre TG, Pardoe H, Schultheiss-Grassi PP (1999). Experimental and theoretical evaluation of the interactions of biogenic magnetite with magnetic fields. In: Bersani S (ed) Electricity and magnetism in biology and medicine. Plenum, New York, 401-404.
Dodd SJ, Williams M, Suhan JP, Williams DS, Koretsky AP, Ho C (1999). Detection of single mammalian cells by high-resolution MRI. Biophysical Journal 76, 103-109.
Dupas B, Berreur M, Rohanizadeh R, Bonnemain B, Meflah K, Pradal G (1999). Electron microscopy study of intrahepatic ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide kinetics in the rat. Relation with MRI. Biology of the Cell 91, 195-208.
Etheredge JA, Perez SM, Taylor OR, Jander R (1999). Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus L.) use a magnetic compass for navigation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science - USA 96, 13845-13846.
Fan ZH, Mangru S, Granzow R, Heaney P, Ho W, Dong Q, Kumar R (1999). Dynamic DNA hybridization on a chip using paramagnetic beads. Analytical Chemistry 71, 4851-4859.
Fischer R, Tiemann CD, Engelhardt R, Nielsen P, Dürken M, Gabbe EE, Janka GE (1999). Assessment of iron stores in children with transfusion siderosis by biomagnetic liver susceptometry. American Journal of Hematology 60, 289-299.
Fuh CB, Chen SY (1999). Magnetic split-flow thin fractionation of magnetically susceptible particles. Journal of Chromatography A 857, 193-204.
Geldwerth D, Helley D, de Jong K, Sabolovic D, Sestier C, Roger J, Pons JN, Freyssinet JM, Devaux PF, Kuypers FA (1999). Detection of phosphatidylserine surface exposure on human erythrocytes using annexin-v ferrofluid. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 258, 199-203.
Gellissen J, Axmann C, Prescher A, Bohndorf K, Lodemann KP (1999). Extra- and intracellular accumulation of ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxides (USPIO) in experimentally induced abscesses of the peripheral soft tissues and their effects on MRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 17, 557-567.
Hallier-Soulier S, Guillot E (1999). An immunomagnetic separation polymerase chain reaction assay for rapid and ultra-sensitive detection of Cryptosporidium parvum in drinking water. FEMS Microbiology Letters 176, 285-289.
Hettinger WP (1999). Catalysis challenges in Fluid Catalytic Cracking: a 49 year personal account of past and more recent contributions and some possible new and future directions for even further improvement. Catalysis Today 53, 367-284.
Hiergeist R, Andrä W, Buske N, Hergt R, Hilger I, Richter U, Kaiser W (1999). Application of magnetite ferrofluids for hyperthermia. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 201, 420-422.
Johnson HE, Hutchings M, Taaning E, Rasmussen T, Knudsen LM, Hansen SW, Andersen H, Gaarsdal E, Jensen L, Nikolajsen K, Kjaesgard E, Hansen NE (1999). Selective loss of progenitor subsets following clinical CD34+ cell enrichment by magnetic field, magnetic beads or chromatography separation. Bone Marrow Transplantation 24, 1329-1336.
Jordan A, Scholz R, Wust P, Fähling H, Felix R (1999). Magnetic fluid hyperthermia (MFH): Cancer treatment with AC magnetic field induced excitation of biocompatible superparamagnetic nanoparticles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 201, 413-419.
Josephson L, Tung CH, Moore A, Weissleder R (1999). High-efficiency intracellular magnetic labeling with novel superparamagnetic- tat peptide conjugates. Bioconjugate Chemistry 10, 186-191.
Kellar KE, Fujii DK, Gunther WHH, Briley-Saebo K, Spiller M, Koenig SH (1999). 'NC100150', a preparation of ion oxide nanoparticles ideal for positive- contrast MR angiography. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 8, 207-213.
Kiselev MV, Gladilin AK, Melik-Nubarov NS, Sveshnikov PG, Miethe P, Levashov AV (1999). Determination of cyclosporin A in 20% ethanol by a magnetic beads-based immunofluorescence assay. Analytical Biochemistry 269, 393-398.
Kondo A, Fukuda H (1999). Preparation of thermosensitive magnetic microspheres and their application to bioprocesses. Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 153, 435-438.
Koneracka M, Kopcansky P, Antalik M, Timko M, Ramchand CN, Lobo D, Mehta RV, Upadhyay RV (1999). Immobilization of proteins and enzymes to fine magnetic particles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 201, 427-430.
Kopacek P, Vogt R, Jindrak L, Weise C, Safarik I (1999). Purification and characterization of the lysozyme from the gut of the soft tick Ornithodoros moubata. Insect Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 29, 989-97.
Krogh TN, Berg T, Hojrup P (1999). Protein analysis using enzymes immobilized to paramagnetic beads. Analytical Biochemistry 274, 153-162.
Kuznetsov OA, Schwuchow J, Sack FD, Hasenstein KH (1999). Curvature induced by amyloplast magnetophoresis in protonemata of the moss Ceratodon purpureus. Plant Physiology 119, 645-50.
Lacava ZGM, Azevedo RB, Martins EV, Lacava LM, Freitas MLL, Garcia VAP, Rebula CA, Lemos APC, Sousa MH, Tourinho FA, Da Silva MF, Morais PC (1999). Biological effects of magnetic fluids: toxicity studies. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 201, 431-434.
Man D, Man B, Plosker H (1999). The influence of permanent magnetic field therapy on wound healing in suction lipectomy patients: a double-blind study. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 104, 2261-6; discussion 2267-8.
Mertl M (1999). Magnetic cells: Stuff of legend? Science 283, 775.
Moore PE, Laporte JD, Gonzalez S, Möller W, Heyder J, Panettieri RA, Jr., and Shore SA (1999). Glucocorticoids ablate IL-1beta-induced beta-adrenergic hyporesponsiveness in human airway smooth muscle cells. Am. J. Physiol. 277, L932-42.
Morales MP, Andres-Verges M, Veintemillas-Verdaguer S, Montero MI, Serna CJ (1999). Structural effects on the magnetic properties of ?-Fe3O3 nanoparticles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 203, 146-148.
Müller R, Hiergeist R, Steinmetz H, Ayoub N, Fujisaki M, Schüppel W (1999). Barium hexaferrite ferrofluids - preparation and pysical properties. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 201, 34-37.
Murthy SN (1999). Magnetophoresis: an approach to enhance transdermal drug diffusion. Pharmazie 54, 377-9.
Noar JH, Evans RD (1999). Rare earth magnets in orthodontics: an overview. British Journal of Orthodontics 26, 29-37.
Paganelli G, Grana C, Chinol M, Cremonesi M, De Cicco C, De Braud F, Robertson C, Zurrida S, Casadio C, Zoboli S, Siccardi AG, Veronesi U (1999). Antibody-guided three-step therapy for high grade glioma with yttrium-90 biotin. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 26, 348-57.
Pardoe H, Dobson J (1999). Magnetic iron biomineralization in rat brains: effects of iron loading. BioMetals 12, 77-82.
Partington KM, Jenkinson EJ, Anderson G (1999). A novel method of cell separation based on dual parameter immunomagnetic cell selection. Journal of Immunological Methods 223, 195-205.
Peng H, Shelef LA (1999). Automated rapid screening of foods for the presence of Salmonellae. Journal of Food Protection 62, 1341-1345.
Perrin-Cocon LA, Marche PN, Villiers CL (1999). Purification of intracellular compartments involved in antigen processing: a new method based on magnetic sorting. Biochemical Journal 338, 123-130.
Prakash NM, Brown MC, Spelman FA, Nelson JA, Read P, Heitkemper MM, Tobin RW, Pope CE (1999). Magnetic field goniometry: a new method to measure the frequency of stomach contractions. Digestive diseases and sciences 44, 1735-1740.
Pulfer SK, Ciccotto SL, Gallo JM (1999). Distribution of small magnetic particles in brain tumor-bearing rats. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 41, 99-105.
Qu S, Yang H, Ren D, Kan S, Zou G, Li D, Li M (1999). Magnetite nanoparticles prepared by precipitation from partially reduced ferric chloride aqueous solutions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 215, 190-192.
Ramirez-Vick JE, Garcia AA, Lee J (1999). Recovery of an oligonucleotide using silver ions immobilized onto paramagnetic particles. Prep Biochem Biotechnol 28, 243-260.
Roger J, Pons JN, Massart R, Halbreich A, Bacri JC (1999). Some biomedical applications of ferrofluids. European Physics Journal 5, 321-325.
Rosensweig RE (1999). Theory for stabilization of magnetic colloid in liquid metal. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 201, 1-6.
Safarik I, Safarikova M (1999). Use of magnetic techniques for isolation of cells. Journal of Chromatography B 722, 33-53.
Safarikova M, Safarik I (1999). Determination of proteolytic activity with magnetic dye-stained gelatin. Biotechnology Techniques 13, 621-623.
Sauzedde F, Elaissari A, Pichot C (1999). Hydrophilic magnetic polymer latexes. 2. Encapsulation of adsorbed iron oxide nanoparticles. Colloid Polymer Sciences 277, 1041-1050.
Schmitz SA, Albrecht T, Wolf KJ (1999). MR angiography with superparamagnetic iron oxide: Feasibility study. Radiology 213, 603-607.
Schüler D (1999). Formation of magnetosomes in magnetotactic bacteria. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 1, 79-86.
Schüler D, Frankel RB (1999). Bacterial magnetosomes: microbiology, biomineralization and biotechnological applications. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 52, 464-473.
Schüler D, Spring S, Bazylinski DA (1999). Improved technique for the isolation of magnetotactic spirilla from a freshwater sediment and their phylogenetic characterization. System Appl Microbiol 22, 466-471.
Schultheiss-Grassi PP, Dobson J (1999). Magnetic analysis of human brain tissue. BioMetals 12, 67-72.
Schultheiss-Grassi PP, Dobson J, Wieser HG, Kuster N (1999). Magnetic properties of the heart, spleen and liver: Evidence for biogenic magnetite in human organs. In: Bersani S (ed) Electricity and magnetism in biology and medicine. Plenum, New York, 529-532.
Schultheiss-Grassi PP, Wessiken R, Dobson J (1999). TEM investigations of biogenic magnetite extracted from the human hippocampus. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1426, 212-216.
Schütt W, Grüttner C, Teller J, Westphal F, Häfeli U, Paulke B, Goetz P, Finck W (1999). Biocompatible magnetic polymer carriers for in vivo radionuclide delivery. Artificial Organs 23, 98-103.
Shinkai M, Ueda K, Ohtsu S, Honda H, Kohri K, Kobayashi T (1999). Effect of functional magnetic particles on radiofrequency capacitive heating. Japanese Journal of Cancer Research 90, 699-704.
Shoge K, Mishima HK, Mukai S, Shinya M, Ishihara K, Kanno M, Sasa M (1999). Rat retinal ganglion cells culture enriched with the magnetic cell sorter. Neuroscience Letters 259, 111-114.
Simpson NE, Evelhoch JL (1999). Deuterium NMR tissue perfusion measurements using the tracer uptake approach: II. Comparison with microspheres in tumors. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 42, 240-7.
Sukhorukov GB, Moya S, Donath E, Möhwald H (1999). Micro- and nanoencapsulation via layer-by-layer adsorption of macromolecules on colloid particles. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials 26, Abstract #5401.
Tao K, Chen D, Chen J, Tian Y, Wu Z, Wang X, Yang X (1999). Preparation of adriamycin magnetic albumin microspheres and their experimental antitumor effects in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Tongji Medical University 19, 295-299.
Tibbe AGJ, de Grooth BG, Greve J, Liberti PA, Dolan GJ, Terstappen LWMM (1999). Optical tracking and detection of immunomagnetically selected and aligned cells. Nature Biotechnology 17, 1210-1213.
Tozer JC, Ireland RH, Barber DC, Barker AT (1999). Magnetic impedance tomography. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 873, 353-359.
Turgut Z, Nuhfer NT, Piehler HR, McHenry ME (1999). Magnetic properties and microstructural observations of oxide coated FeCo nanocrystals before and after compaction. Journal of Applied Physics 85, 4406-4408.
Vallbona C, Richards T (1999). Evolution of magnetic therapy from alternative to traditional medicine. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America 10, 729-754.
von Schönfeldt V, Krishnamurthy H, Foppiani L, Schlatt S (1999). Magnetic cell sorting is a fast and effective method of enriching viable spermatogonia from Djungarian hamster, mouse and marmoset monkey testes. Biology of Reproduction 61, 582-589.
Vyas SP, Jaitely V (1999). Magnoresponsive solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) as novel targeting modules for targeting of methotrexate. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials 26, Abstract #6237.
Wang X, Slavik MF (1999). Rapid detection of Salmonella in chicken washes by immunomagnetic separation and flow cytometry. Journal of Food Protection 62, 717-723.
Weitschies W, Cardini D, Karaus M, Trahms L, Semmler W (1999). Magnetic marker monitoring of esophageal, gastric and duodenal transit of non-disintegrating capsules. Pharmazie 54, 426-430.
Wen W, Kun F, Pa'l KF, Zheng DW, Tu KN (1999). Aggregation kinetics and stability of structures formed by magnetic microspheres. Physical Review E 59, R4758-R4761.
Wen W, Wang N, Zheng DW, Chen C, Tu KN (1999). Two- and three-dimensional arrays of magnetic microspheres. Journal of Materials Research 14, 1186-1189.
Williams PS, Zborowski M, Chalmers JJ (1999). Flow rate optimization for the quadrupole magnetic cell sorter. Analytical Chemistry 71, 3799-3807.
Wilson RJ (1999). Microfabricated magnetic particles for applications to affinity binding. U.S.A. Patent No. 5932097 (3 Aug 1999).
Yazdankhah SP, Solverod L, Simonsen S, Olsen E (1999). Development and evaluation of an immunomagnetic separation - ELISA for the detection of Staphylococcus aureus thermostable nuclease in composite milk. Veterinary Microbiology 67, 113-125.
Zhan H (1999). A method for quick measurement of protein binding to unilamellar vesicles. Journal of Biochemical & Biophysical Methods 41, 13-9.
Abudiab T, Beitle RR (1998). Preparation of magnetic immobilized metal affinity separation media and its use in the isolation of proteins. Journal of Chromatography A 795, 211-217.
Anonymous (1998). Magnets increase the power of disinfectants in pools. Today's Chemist at Work June, 12.
Ansell RJ, Mosbach K (1998). Magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer beads for drug radioligand binding assay. Analyst 123, 1611-1616.
Babincova M, Machova E (1998). Magnetoliposomes may be useful for elimination of HIV from infected individuals. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 53c, 935-936.
Bahaj AS, Croudace IW, James PAB, Moeschler FD, Warwick PE (1998). Continous radionuclide recovery from wastewater using magnetotactic bacteria. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 184, 241-244.
Balcer-Kubiczek EK, Zhang XF, Han LH, Harrison GH, Davis CC, Zhou XJ, Ioffe V, McCready WA, Abraham JM, Meltzer SJ (1998). BIGEL analysis of gene expression in HL60 cells exposed to x rays or 60 Hz magnetic fields. Radiation Research 150, 663-672.
Bartl K, Wenzig P, Kleiber J (1998). Simple and broadly applicable sample preparation by use of magnetic glass particles. Clinical Chemistry in Laboratory Medicine 36, 557-559.
Baselt DR, Lee GU, Natesan M, Metzger SW, Sheehan PE, Colton RJ (1998). A biosensor based on magnetoresistance technology. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 13, 731-739.
Bausch AR, Ziemann F, Boulbitch AA, Jacobson K, Sackmann E (1998). Local measurements of viscoelastic parameters of adherent cell surfaces by magnetic bead microrheometry. Biophysical Journal 75, 2038-2049.
Bednarek S (1998). Magnetic suspensions based on composite particles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 183, 195-200.
Berntzen G, Flo TH, Medvedev A, Kilaas L, Skjak-Braek G, Sundan A, Espevik T (1998). The tumor necrosis factor-inducing potency of lipopolysaccharide and uronic acid polymers is increased when they are covalently linked to particles. Clinical & Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 5, 355-361.
Bolton WE, Kenyon NS, Siiman O, Schmittling RJ (1998). Method of analyzing tumor cell DNA content through tumor cell enrichment. U.S. Patent No. 5798217 (25 Aug 1998).
Bulte JWM, Brooks RA, Moskowitz BM, Bryant LH, Frank JA (1998). T1 and T2 relaxometry of monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticles (MION-46L): Theory and Experiment. Academic Radiology 5, S137-S140.
Butler JP, Kelly SM (1998). A model for cytoplasmic rheology consistent with magnetic twisting cytometry. Biorheology 35, 193-209.
Chignell CF, Sik RH (1998). Effect of magnetite particles on photoinduced and nonphotoinduced free radical process in human erythrocytes. Photochemistry and Photobiology 68, 598-601.
Chiquet C, Zech JC, Gain P, Adeleine P, Trepsat C (1998). Visual outcome and prognostic factors after magnetic extraction of posterior segment foreign bodies in 40 cases. British Journal of Ophthalmology 82, 801-806.
Clement O, Rety F, Cuenod CA, Siauve N, Carnot F, Bordat C, Siche M, Frija G (1998). MR lymphography: evidence of extravasation of superparamagnetic nanoparticles into the lymph. Academic Radiology 5 Suppl 1, S170-2; discussion S183-4.
Colet JM, Pierart C, Seghi F, Gabric I, Muller RN (1998). Intravascular and intracellular hepatic relaxivities of superparamagnetic particles: an isolated and perfused organ pharmacokinetics study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 134, 199-205.
Correa-Duarte MA, Giersig M, Kotov NA, Liz-Marzan LM (1998). Control of packing order of self-assembled monolayers of magnetite nanoparticles with and without SiO2 coating by microwave irradiation. Langmuir 14, 6430-6435.
Daghastanli NA, Braga FJHN, Oliveira RB, Baffa O (1998). Oesophageal transit time evaluated by a biomagnetic method. Physiological Measurements 19, 413-420.
Diettrich O, Mills K, Johnson AW, Hasilik A, Winchester BG (1998). Application of magnetic chromatography to the isolation of lysosomes from fibroblasts of patients with lysosomal storage disorders. FEBS Letters 441, 369-372.
Dobson J, Schultheiss-Grassi PP (1998). Preliminary evaluation of the magnetic properties of rat brain tissue: Implications for models of human interactions with weak electromagnetic fields. J Biochem, Molec Biol, & Biophys 1, 247-251.
Dobson J, St. Pierre TG (1998). Microwave radiation effects on biogenic magnetite particles and circuits in the human brain: Theoretical evaluation of cellular phone safety aspects. Electro- and Magnetobiology 17, 351-359.
Dobson J, Wieser HG, Fuller M (1998). Method and apparatus for inducing and localizing epileptiform activity. U.S. Patent No. 5,743,854 (1998).
Forsman M (1998). Gastric emptying of solids measured by means of magnetised iron oxide powder. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 36, 2-6.
Gänshirt D, Smeets FWM, Dohr A, Walde C, Steen I, Lapucci C, Falcinelli C, Sant R, Velasco M, Garritsen HSP, Holzgreve W (1998). Enrichment of fetal nucleated red blood cells from the maternal circulation for prenatal diagnosis: Experiences with triple density gradient and MACS based on more than 600 cases. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 13, 276-286.
Gee AP (1998). Immunomagnetic cell separation using antibodies and superparamagnetic microspheres. In: Recktenwald D, Radbruch A (eds) Cell separation methods and applications. Marcel Dekker, New York, 175-208.
Gindrup WL, Vinson RR (1998). Electromagnetic radiation absorptive coating composition containing metal coated microspheres. U.S. Patent No. 5786785 (28 July 1998).
Glogauer M, Ferrier M (1998). A new method for application of force to cells via ferric oxide beads. Pflügers Arch - Eur J Physiol 435, 320-327.
Graepler F, Lauer U, Gregor M (1998). Magnetic cell sorting for parietal cell purification using a new monoclonal antibody without influence on cell function. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 36, 143-155.
Gröning R, Berntgen M, Georgarakis M (1998). Acyclovir serum concentrations following peroral administration of magnetic depot tablets and the influence of extracorporal magnets to control gastrointestinal transit. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 46, 285-291.
Grupp C, Troche I, Steffgen J, Langhans S, Cohen DI, Brandl L, Müller GA (1998). Highly specific separation of heterogenous cell populations by lectin-coated beads: Applications for the isolation of inner medullary collecting duct cells. Experimental Nephrology 6, 542-550.
Halbreich A, Roger J, Pons JN, Geldwerth D, Da Silva MF, Roudier M, Bacri JC (1998). Biomedical applications of maghemite ferrofluid. Biochimie 80, 379-390.
Hausmann M, Cremer C, Hartig R, Liebich HG, Lüers GH, Saalmüller A, Teichmann R (1998). Free-flow magnetophoresis: Continous immunomagnetic sorting of cells and organelles by magnetic deviation and focusing. In: Recktenwald D, Radbruch A (eds) Cell separation methods and applications. Marcel Dekker, New York, 209-235.
Hawkins T (1998). DNA purification and isolation using magnetic particles. US Patent No. 5705628 (6 Jan 1998).
Hertzog BA, Mottl TS, Chan F, Mathiowitz E (1998). Magnetic and microbalance techniques for the evaluation of bioadhesive microspheres: A comparison. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials 25, 832-833.
Hoffmann S, Spee C, Murata T, Cui JZ, Ryan SJ, Hinton DR (1998). Rapid isolation of choriocapillary endothelial cells by Lycopersicon esculentum-coated Dynabeads. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 236, 779-784.
Jain RK (1998). Delivery of molecular and cellular medicine to solid tumors. Journal of Controlled Release 53, 49-67.
Kantor AB, Gibbons I, Miltenyi S, Schmitz J (1998). Magnetic cell sorting with colloidal superparamagnetic particles. In: Recktenwald D, Radbruch A (eds) Cell separation methods and applications. Marcel Dekker, New York, 153-173.
Kessler JO, Hill NA, Strittmatter R, Wiseley D (1998). Sedimenting particles and swimming micro-organisms in a rotating fluid. Advances in Space Research 21, 1269-1275.
Khng HP, Cunliffe D, Davies S, Turner NA, Vulfson EN (1998). The synthesis of sub-micron magnetic particles and their use for preparative purification of proteins. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 60, 419-424.
Koenig SH (1998). Solvent relaxation by uniformly magnetized solute spheres: The classical- quantal connection. Investigative Radiology 33, 822-827.
Kriz K, Gehrke J, Kriz D (1998). Advancements toward magneto immunoassays. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 13, 817-823.
Laporte JD, Moore PE, Panettieri RA, Möller W, Heyder J, and Shore SA (1998). Prostanoids mediate IL-1beta-induced beta-adrenergic hyporesponsiveness in human airway smooth muscle cells. Am. J. Physiol. 275, L491-501.
Levison PR, Badger SE, Dennis J, Hathi P, Davies MJ, Bruce IJ, Schimkat D (1998). Recent developments of magnetic beads for use in nucleic acid purification. Journal of Chromatography A 816, 107-111.
Lim PL, Tam FCH, Cheong YM, Jegathesan M (1998). One-step 2-minute test to detect typhoid-specific antibodies based on particle separation in tubes. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 36, 2271-2278.
Lins U, Farina M (1998). Magnetosome size distribution in uncultured rod-shaped bacteria as determined by electron microscopy and electron spectroscopic imaging. Microscopy Research and Technique 42, 459-464.
Livingston JD (1998). Magnetic Therapy. Skeptical Inquirer
Luxembourg AT, Borrow P, Teyton L, Brunmark AB, Peterson PA, Jackson MR (1998). Biomagnetic isolation of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells usable in immunotherapy. Nature Biotechnology 16, 281-285.
Martin VM, Siewert C, Scharl A, Harms T, Heinze R, (tm)hl S, Radbruch A, Miltenyi S, Schmitz J (1998). Immunomagnetic enrichment of disseminated epithelial tumor cells from peripheral blood by MACS. Experimental Hematology 26, 252-264.
Melia CD R-SAaBR (1998). Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Controlled Release Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms. PSTT 1, 32.
Menei P, Chirol JM, Croue A, Cruaud O, Denizot B, Benoit JP (1998). Distribution and tolerance of biodegradable PLGA microspheres implanted in the rabbit lumbar subarachnoid space. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials 25, 40-41.
Mohtat N, Cozens FL, Hancock-Chen T, Scaiano JC, McLean J, Kim J (1998). Magnetic field effects on the behavior of radicals in protein and DNA environments. Photochemistry and Photobiology 67, 111-118.
Morimoto Y, Natsume H (1998). [Targeting technology utilizing magnetic microparticulate system for cancer therapy]. [Review] [20 refs] [Japanese]. Nippon Rinsho - Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 56, 649-656.
Pithavala YK, Heizer WD, Parr AF, O'Connor-Semmes RL, Brouwer KLR (1998). Use of the InteliSite capsule to study ranitidine absorption from various sites within the human intestinal tract. Pharmaceutical Research 15, 1869-1881.
Portier CJ, Wolfe MS (1998). Assessment of health effects from exposure to power-line frequency electric and magnetic fields (On the web: www.niehs.nih.gov/emfrapid/home.htm).
Posfai M, Buseck PR, Bazylinski DA, Frankel RB (1998). Reaction sequence of iron sulfide minerals in bacteria and their use as biomarkers. Science 280, 880-883.
Prosser RS, Volkov VB, Shiyanovskaya IV (1998). Novel chelate-induced magnetic alignment of biological membranes. Biophysical Journal 75, 2163-2169.
Proust F, Coche-Dequeant B, Carpentier P, Laquerriere A, Derlon JM, Blond S, Christiaens J, Freger P (1998). Combination treatment for pilocytic astrocytoma: stereotaxic radiosurgery and endocavitary radiotherapy [French]. Neuro Chirurgie 44, 50-54.
Prozorov T, Prozorov R, Gedanken A (1998). Does the self-assembled coating of magnetic nanoparticles cover individual particles or agglomerates? Advanced Materials 10, 1529-1532.
Pulfer SK, Gallo JM (1998). Enhanced brain tumor selectivity of cationic magnetic polysaccharide microspheres. Journal of Drug Targeting 6, 215-227.
Quintanar-Guerrero D, Allemann E, Fessi H, Doelker E (1998). Preparation techniques and mechanisms of formation of biodegradable nanoparticles from preformed polymers. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 24, 1113-1128.
Racila E, Euhus D, Weiss AJ, Rao C, McConnell J, Terstappen LWMM, Uhr JW (1998). Detection and characterization of carcinoma cells in the blood. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science - USA 95, 4589-4594.
Ramesh S, Cohen Y, Prozorov R, Shafi K, Aurbach D, Gedanken A (1998). Organized silica microspheres carrying ferromagnetic cobalt nanoparticles as a basis for tip arrays in magnetic force microscopy. J Phys Chem B 102, 10234-10242.
Richard L, Velasco P, Detmar M (1998). A simple immunomagnetic protocol for the selective isolation and long-term culture of human dermal microvascular endothelial cells. Experimental Cell Research 240, 1-6.
Rofsky NM, Yang BM, Schlossberg P, Goldenberg A, Teperman LW, Weinreb J (1998). MR-guided needle aspiration biopsies of hepatic masses using a closed bore magnet. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 22, 633-637.
Sbey T (1998). Entwurf eines Magnetseparators für die "In-line Hämofiltration auf der Basis eines Adsorber-Rezirkulationssystems". Thesis, Fachhochschule Lübeck.
Schoepf U, Marecos EM, Melder RJ, Jain RK, Weissleder R (1998). Intracellular magnetic labeling of lymphocytes for in vivo trafficking studies. BioTechniques 24, 642-651.
Schroder U (1998). Method of contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging using magnetically responsive particles. US Patent No. 5720939 (24 Feb 1998).
Schüler D, Baeuerlein E (1998). Dynamics of iron uptake and Fe3O4 biomineralization during aerobic and microaerobic growth of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense. Journal of Bacteriology 180, 159-162.
Sestier C, Da Silva MF, Sabolovic D, Roger J, Pons JN (1998). Surface modification of superparamagnetic nanoparticles (ferrofluid) studied with particle electrophoresis: application to the specific targeting of cells. Electrophoresis 19, 1220-1226.
Sestier C, Sabolovic D (1998). Particle electrophoresis of micrometric-sized superparamagnetic particles designed for magnetic purification of cells. Electrophoresis 19, 2485-2490.
Sherman RA, Robson L, Marden LA (1998). Initial exploration of pulsing electromagnetic fields for treatment of migraine. Headache 38, 208-213.
Spring S, Lins U, Amann R, Schleifer KH, Ferreira LC, Esquivel DM, Farina M (1998). Phylogenetic affiliation and ultrastructure of uncultured magnetic bacteria with unusually large magnetosomes. Archives of Microbiology 169, 136-147.
Stoyanov PG, Doherty SA, Grimes CA, Seitz WR (1998). A remotely interrogatable sensor for chemical monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 34, 1315-1317.
Sun D, Hurley LH, Von Hoff DD (1998). Telomerase assay using biotinylated primer extension and magnetic separation of the products. BioTechniques 25, 1046-1051.
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Thode K, Lück M, Schröder W, Blunk T, Müller RH, Kresse M (1998). The influence of the sample preparation on plasma protein adsorption patterns on polysaccharide-stabilized iron oxide particles and N-terminal microsequencing of unknown proteins. Journal of Drug Targeting 5, 459-469.
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Viroonchatapan E, Sato H, Ueno M, Adachi I, Murata J, Saiki I, Tazawa K, Horikoshi I (1998). Microdialysis assessment of 5-fluorouracil release from thermosensitive magnetoliposomes induced by an electromagnetic field in tumor-bearing mice. Journal of Drug Targeting 5, 379-390.
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Don't forget the articles in the book published after the First Meeting of Scientific and Clinical Applications. You can find the table of contents here.
Allen MG and Ahn CH. Fully integrated micromachined magnetic particle manipulator and separator. U.S. Patent No. 5655665, 1997.
Babincova M and Babinec P. Controlled drug delivery using magnetoliposomes. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters 2: 3-7 (1997).
Baue YH. Stimuli-sensitive drug delivery. In Park K (Ed.). Controlled Drug Delivery. American Chemical Society, Washington, 1997, pp. 147-162.
Beaulieux F, See DM, Leparc-Goffart I, Aymard M, and Lina B. Use of magnetic beads versus guanidium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform RNA extraction followed by polymerase chain reaction for the rapid, sensitive detection of enterovirus RNA. Res. Virol. 148: 11-15 (1997).
Berk SG, Srikanth S, Mahajan SM, and Ventrice CA. Static uniform magnetic fields and amoebae. Bioelectromagnetics 18: 81-84 (1997).
Berry MV and Geim AK. Of flying frogs and levitrons. Eur. J. Phys. 18: 307-313 (1997).
Briggs RW, Wu Z, Mladinich CRJ, Stoupis C, Gauger J, Liebig T, Ros PR, Ballinger JR, and Kubilis P. In vivo animal tests of an artifact-free contrast agent for gastrointestinal MRI. Mag. Res. Imag. 15: 559-566 (1997).
Bulte JWM, de Cuyper M, Despres D, Brooks RA, and Frank JA. PEGylated magnetoliposomes as long-circulating drug carriers for MR imaging. Proc. ISMRM April: 1 (1997).
Butson MJ, Yu P, Kan M, Carolan M, Young E, Mathur JN, and Metcalfe PE. Skin dose reduction by a clinically viable magnetic deflector. Australas. Phys. Eng. Sci. Med. 20: 107-111 (1997).
Callahan JP, Enanoza RM, Groess MS, and Weigel MD. Method of magnetically and/or eletrostatically positioning pressure-sensitive adhesive beads and magnetically positionable pressure-sensitive. US Patent No. 5599618, 1997.
Chen H and Langer R. Magnetically-responsive polymerized liposomes as potential oral delivery vehicles. Pharmaceut. Res. 14: 537-540 (1997).
Christmann V, Rosenberg J, Seega J, and Lehr CM. Simultaneous in vivo visualization and localization of solid oral dosage forms in the rat gastrointestinal tract by magnetic resonance imaging. Pharmaceut. Res. 14: 1066-1072 (1997).
Coche TG. Subtractive cDNA cloning using magnetic beads and PCR. In White BA (Ed.). Methods in Molecular Biology. Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ, 1997, pp. 371-387.
Darendeliler MA, Darendeliler A, and Mandurino M. Clinical application of magnets in orthodontics and biological implications: A review. Eur. J. Orthodon. 19: 431-442 (1997).
Davies JE, Chamberlain JC, Swift S, James RFL, London NJM, and Robertson GSM. The use of immunomagnetic separation for secondary purification of pancreatic islets. In Soria (Ed.). Physiology and Pathophysiology of the islets of Langerhans. Plenum Press, New York, 1997, pp. 435-440.
Davies MJ, Smethurst DE, Howard KM, Todd M, Higgins LM, and Bruce IJ. Improved manufacture and application of an agarose magnetizable solid-phase support. Appl. Biochem. Biotech. 68: 95-112 (1997).
Deggerdal A and Larsen F. Rapid isolation of PCR-ready DNA from blood, bone marrow and cultured cells, based on paramagnetic beads. BioTechniques 22: 554-557 (1997).
Donnachie NJ, Barnes SJ, and Parkinson RW. Application of magnets in total knee arthroplasty surgery. J. Arthroplasty 12: 572-574 (1997).
Efremenko VI. Magnet-controlled immobilized systems in the microbiological monitoring of natural foci and environmental objects for the presence of the causative agents of dangerous infectous diseases. Zh. Mikrobiol. Moscow 2: 102-106 (1997).
Ekenberg SJ, Brisco PRG, and Oaklander AL. High efficiency method for isolating target substances using a multisample separation device. US Patent No. 5646263, 1997.
Ellis TM and Masters AM. Use of magnetic particles to improve the diagnosis of sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever by polymerase chain reaction. Aust. Vet. J. 75: 520-521 (1997).
Engström S. What is the time scale of magnetic field interaction in biological systems? Bioelectromagnetics 18: 244-249 (1997).
Esterman AL and Sylvers LA. Rapid mRNA isolation directly from tissue homogenates. Biomedical Products June: 36-38 (1997).
Fisher MD and Frost SC. Using magnetic beads to isolate inside-out glut1-containing vesicles from 3T3-L1 adipocyte plasma membranes. Anal. Biochem. 251: 125-126 (1997).
Frankel RB, Bazylinski DA, Johnson MS, and Taylor BL. Magneto-Aerotaxis in Marine Coccoid Bacteria. Biophys. J. 73: 994-1000 (1997).
Gallo JM and Häfeli U. Correspondence re: A.S. Lübbe et al., Preclinical and clinical experiences with magnetic drug targeting. Cancer Res. 57: 3063-3064 (1997).
Gelsthorpe AR, Gelsthorpe K, and Sokol RJ. Extraction of DNA using monoclonal anti-DNA and magnetic beads. BioTechniques 22: 1080-1082 (1997).
Ghosh SS and Fahy ED. End-attachment of oligonucleotides to polyacrylamide solid supports for capture and detection of nucleic acids. U.S. Patent No. 5663242, 1997.
Grinstaff MW, Soon-Shiong P, Wong M, Sandford PA, Suslick KS, and Desai NP. Methods for the preparation of pharmaceutically active agents for in vivo delivery. US Patent No. 5665382, 1997.
Hawkins TL, McKernan KJ, Jacotot LB, MacKenzie JB, Richardson PM, and Lander ES. A magnetic attraction to high-throughput genomics. Science 276: 1887-1889 (1997).
Hentschel M, Mirtsch S, Jordan A, Wust P, Vogl T, Semmler W, Wolf KJ, and Felix R. Heat response of HT 29 cells depends strongly on perfusion - a P-31 NMR spectroscopy, HPLC and cell survival analysis. Int. J. Hyperthermia 13: 69-82 (1997).
Hilger I, Andrä W, Bähring R, Daum A, Hergt R, and Kaiser WA. Evaluation of temperature increase with different amounts of magnetite in liver tissue samples. Invest. Radiol. 32: 705-712 (1997).
Hviid SF, Madsen MB, Gunnlaugsson HP, Goetz W, Knudsen JM, Hargraves RB, Smith P, Britt D, Dinesen AR, Mogensen CT, Olsen M, Pedersen CT, and Vistisen L. Magnetic properties experiments on the Mars pathfinder lander: Preliminary results. Science 278: 1768-1770 (1997).
Ishida A, Kameshita I, and Fujisawa H. Assay of protein phosphatase activities with phosphopeptide - magnetic particle conjugates. Anal. Biochem. 254: 152-155 (1997).
Johnson DEJ and Frith CF. Method for mixing coagulating agents into a contaminated water flow, and for removing contaminants therefrom. U.S. Patent No. 5616250, 1997.
Jordan A, Scholz R, Schnoy N, Wust P, Maier-Hauff K, and Felix R. Differential endocytosis of magnetic fluid particles into human primary glioblastoma, neuronal and fibroblast cells in vitro. Europ. J. Cell Biol. 74 Suppl.: 32 (1997).
Jordan A, Scholz R, Schüler J, Wust P, and Felix R. Arrhenius analysis of the thermal response of human colonic adenocarcinoma cells in vitro using the multi-target, single-hit and the linear-quadratic model. Int. J. Hyperthermia 13: 83-88 (1997).
Jordan A, Scholz R, Wust P, and Felix R. A simplified Courtenay-Mills assay to measure clonogenic survival of primary cancer cells derived from aspiration or punch biopsies. First results. Europ. J. Cell Biol. 74 Suppl.: 31 (1997).
Jordan A, Scholz R, Wust P, Fähling H, Krause J, Wlodarczyk W, Sander B, Vogl T, and Felix R. Effects of magnetic fluid hyperthermia (MFH) on C3H mammary carcinoma in vivo. Int. J. Hyperthermia 13: 587-605 (1997).
Jutila J, McFeters G, and Pyle B. Dipstick test for E. Coli. Science 278: 1887 (1997).
Kausch AP and Narayanswami S. Isolation of biological materials. US Patent No. 5665582, 1997.
Khopade AJ, Jain S, and Jain NK. Magnetically guided red cell membrane vesicles bearing 5-fluorouracil. Proceed. Intern. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 24: 875-876 (1997).
Kochen RL and Navratil JD. Removal of radioactive materials and heavy metals from water using magnetic resin. U.S. Patent No. 5595666, 1997.
Kresse M, Wagner S, Philipp K, Thode K, Müller RH, and Semmler W. Synthesis and properties of dextran-coated iron oxides for lymph node targeting. Proceed. Intern. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 24: 93-94 (1997).
Kroeger KM and Abraham LJ. Magnetic bead purification of specific transcription factors using mutant competitor oligonucleotides. Anal. Biochem. 250: 127-129 (1997).
Leotta DF, Detmer PR, and Martin RW. Performance of a miniature magnetic position sensor for three-dimensional ultrasound imaging. Ultrasound in Med. & Biol. 23: 597-609 (1997).
Liberti PA and Pino MA. Resuspendable coated magnetic particles and stable magnetic particle suspensions. US Patent No. 5597531, 1997.
Margel S. Method for attaching microspheres to a substrate. US Patent No. 5652059, 1997.
Martin B, Bruce J, Smith N, Liu D, and Durrant L. A magnetic colloid system for isolation of rare cells from blood for fish analysis. Prenatal Diagnosis 17: 1059-1066 (1997).
Mayr J, Dittrich S, and Triebl K. A new method for removal of metallic-ferromagnetic foreign bodies from the tracheobronchial tree. Pediatr. Surg. Int. 12: 461-462 (1997).
Miranda JRA, Oliveira RB, Sousa PL, Braga FJH, and Baffa O. A novel biomagnetic method to study gastric antral contractions. Phys. Med. Biol. 42: 1791-1799 (1997).
Möller W, Takenaka S, Rust M, Stahlhofen W, and Heyder J (1997). Probing mechanical properties of living cells by magnetopneumography. J. Aerosol Med. 10, 173-86.
National Research Council. Possible Health Effects from Exposure to Residential Electric and Magnetic Fields. National Academy Press, Washington, 1997.
O'Brien SM, Sloane RP, Thomas ORT, and Dunnill P. Characterization of non-porous magnetic chelator supports and their use to recover polyhistidine-tailed T4 lysozyme from a crude E. coli extract. J. Biotechnol. 54: 53-67 (1997).
Okano Y, Kurita E, Fujioka K, Aoki K, Misawa H, and Kozawa M. Coated granular magnetite particles and process for producing the same. U.S. Patent No. 5648170, 1997.
Päuser S, Reszka R, Wagner S, Wolf KJ, Buhr HJ, and Berger G. Liposome-encapsulated superparamagnetic iron oxide particles as markers in an MRI-guided search for tumor-specific drug carriers. Anti-Cancer Drug Design 12: 125-135 (1997).
Petropoulos VC, Smith W, and Kousvelari E. Comparison of retention and release periods for implants overdenture attachments. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants 12: 176-185 (1997).
Rashkovetsky LG, Lyubarskaya YV, Foret F, Hughes DE, and Karger BL. Automated microanalysis using magnetic beads with commercial capillary electrophoretic instrumentation. J. Chromatogr. 781: 197-204 (1997).
Raylman RR, Clavo AC, Crawford SC, Recker B, and Wahl RL. Magnetically-enhanced radionuclide therapy (MERiT): In vitro evaluation. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 37: 1201-1206 (1997).
Reeve MA and Robinson PS. Magnetic bead precipitation method. US Patent No. 5665554, 1997.
Regan PM and Margolin AB. Development of a nucleic acid capture probe with reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction to detect poliovirus in groundwater. J. Virol. Meth. 64: 65-72 (1997).
Richards TL, Lappin MS, Acosta-Urquidi J, Kraft GH, Heide AC, Lawrie FW, Merrill TE, Melton GB, and Cunningham CA. Double-blind study of pulsing magnetic field effects on multiple sclerosis. J. Alt. Compl. Med. 3: 21-29 (1997).
Rye PD, Hoifodt HK, Overli GET, and Fodstad O. Immunobead filtration: A novel approach for the isolation and propagation of tumor cells. Am. J. Pathol. 150: 99-106 (1997).
Schütt W, Grüttner C, Häfeli U, Zborowski M, Teller J, Putzar H, and Schümichen C. Applications of magnetic targeting in diagnosis and therapy - possibilities and limitations. A mini-review. Hybridoma 16: 109-117 (1997).
Schütt W, Schumichen C, Putzar H, Teller J, Westphal F, Ahrenholz P, and Falkenhagen D. Verfahren für die magnetfeldgesteuerte Radionuklidtherapie. Germany Patent No. DE 195 29 087 A1, 1997.
Selim S. Nano-size magnetic particles for reprographic processes and method of manufacturing the same. U.S. Patent No. 5695901, 1997.
Shepard AR and Rae JL. Magnetic bead capture of cDNAs form double-stranded plasmid cDNA libraries. Nucl. Acids Res. 25: 3183-3185 (1997).
Shumeiko IA. [The efficacy of magnetic fields application by internal sorption for the treatment of purulent inflammatory diseases in patients with diabetes mellitus]. [Ukrainian]. Klinichna Khirurhiia 7-8: 95 (1997).
Shvets TM, Kushchevskaya NF, and Klochko EV. Understanding feasibility of the use of high-disperse iron for directed transport of thyroxin to the organism. : 73-75 (1997).
Sjögren CE, Johansson C, Naevestad A, Sontum PC, Briley-Saebo K, and Fahlvik AK. Crystal size and properties of superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) particles. Mag. Res. Imag. 15: 55-67 (1997).
Sleasman JW, Leon BH, Aleixo LF, Rojas M, and Goodenow MM. Immunomagnetic selection of purified monocyte and lymphocyte populations from peripheral blood mononuclear cells following cryopreservation. Clin. Diagnos. Lab. Immunol. 4: 653-658 (1997).
Slowik TJ, Green BL, and Thorvilson HG. Detection of magnetism in the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) using MRI. Bioelectromagnetics 18: 396-399 (1997).
Stan RV, Roberts WG, Predescu D, Ihida K, Saucan L, Ghitescu L, and Palade GE. Immunoisolation and partial characterization of endothelial plasmalemmal vesicles (Caveolae). Mol. Biol. Cell 8: 595-605 (1997).
Sucholeiki I. Process for synthesis of organic compounds using magnetic particles. US Patent No. 5684130, 1997.
Sutor JJ. Process for preparing magnetically responsive microparticles. US Patent No. 5648124, 1997.
Thode K, Lück M, Semmler W, Müller RH, and Kresse M. Determination of plasma protein adsorption on magnetic iron oxides: Sample preparation. Pharmaceut. Res. 14: 905-910 (1997).
Thomas AW, Kavaliers M, Prato FS, and Ossenkopp KP. Antinociceptive effects of a pulsed magnetic field in the land snail, Cepaea nemoralis. Neuroscience Letters 222: 107-110 (1997).
Vallbona C, Hazlewood CF, and Jurida G. Response of pain to static magnetic fields in postpolio patients: A double-blind pilot study. Arch. Phys. Med. Rehab. 78: 1200-1203 (1997).
Valles JM, Lin K, Denegre JM, and Mowry KL. Stable magnetic field gradient levitation of Xenopus laevis: Toward low-gravity stimulation. Biophys. J. 73: 1130-1133 (1997).
Viroonchatapan E, Sato H, Ueno M, Adachi I, Tazawa K, and Horikoshi I. Release of 5-fluorouracil from thermosensitive magnetoliposomes induced by an electromagnetic field. J. Contr. Rel. 46: 263-271 (1997).
Walker MM. Magnetic orientation and the magnetic sense in arthropods. In Lehrer M (Ed.). Orientation and Communication in Arthropods. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, 1997, pp. 187-213.
Wang Y, Wang Y, and Feng L. Preparation and magnetic properties of poly(styrene-co-acrylic acid) nickel microspheres. J. Appl. Pol. Sci. 64: 1843-1848 (1997).
Weitschies W, Kötitz R, Cordini D, and Trahms L. High-resolution monitoring of the gastrointestinal transit of a magnetically marked capsule. J. Pharm. Sci. 86: 1218-1222 (1997).
Wen H and Balaban R. New technique maps the body electric: Hall effect imaging. Science 276: 681 (1997).
Wilson M, Patel H, Kpendema H, Noar JH, Hunt NP, and Mordan NJ. Corrosion of intra-oral magnets by multi-species biofilms in the presence and absence of sucrose. Biomaterials 18: 53-57 (1997).
Yamaguchi M, Sawada K, Sato N, Koizumi K, Sekiguchi S, and Koike T. A rapid nylon-fiber syringe system to deplete CD14+ cells for positive selection of human blood CD34+ cells. Use of immunomagnetic microspheres. Bone Marrow Transplantation 19: 373-379 (1997).
Anonymous (1996). Antibodies immobilized on magnetic particles for radioimmunoassay and immunoradiometric assay of hormones. IAEA-TECDOC 914, 1-107.
Babincova M and Babinec P. A controlled drug delivery system based on degradable magnetic polymers. Pharmazie 51: 515-516 (1996).
Beuf O, Briguet A, Lissac M, and Davis R. Magnetic resonance imaging for the determination of magnetic susceptibility of materials. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B 112: 111-118 (1996).
Bulte JW, Laughlin PG, Jordan EK, Tran VA, Vymazal J, and Frank JA. Tagging of T cells with superparamagnetic iron oxide: uptake kinetics and relaxometry. Acad. Radiol. 3: S301-303 (1996).
Dacey RG and Howard MA. Magnet on the brain. Sci. Am. 275: 32 (1996).
Davies JE, Winoto-Morbach S, Ulrichs K, James RFL, and Robertson GSM. A comparison of the use of two immunomagnetic microspheres for secondary purification of pancreatic islets. Transplantation 62: 1301-1306 (1996).
De Cuyper M and Noppe W. Extractability of the phospholipid envelope of magnetoliposomes by organic solvents. J. Coll. Interface Sci. 182: 478-482 (1996).
De Cuyper M, De Meulenaer B, Van der Meeren P, and Vanderdeelen J. Catalytic durability of magnetoproteoliposomes captured by high-gradient magnetic forces in a miniature fixed-bed reactor. Biotech. Bioeng. 49: 654-658 (1996).
De Cuyper M. Applications of magnetoproteoliposomes in bioreactors operating in high-gradient magnetic fields. In Barenholz Y and Lasic DD (Eds.). Handbook of nonmedical applications of liposomes. CRC Press, London, 1996, pp. 325-342.
De Cuyper M. Impact of the surface charge of magnetoproteoliposomes on the enzymatic oxidation of cytochrome C. Prog. Colloid Polym. Sci. 100: 306-310 (1996).
Dobson J and Grassi P. Magnetic properties of human hippocampal tissue - Evaluation of artefact and contamination sources. Brain Res. Bull. 39: 255-259 (1996).
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Fruitwala MA and Sanghavi NM. Site-specific drug targeting with fluorouracil microspheres. Drug Delivery 3: 5-8 (1996).
Günther D. Tumor-Diagnostik, Therapie und Drug-Targeting mit magnetischen Flüssigkeiten. Pharm. Zeit 25: 130-134 (1996).
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Howard MA, Grady MS, Ritter RC, Gillies GT, Broaddus WC, and Dacey RG. Magnetic neurosurgery. Stereotact. Funct. Neurosurg. 66: 102-107 (1996).
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Kolarova H and Hengerer B. Preparation of magnetic oligo(dT) particles. BioTechniques 20: 196-198 (1996).
Kotsopoulos SK and Shuber AP. Isolation of 3.5-kb fragments on magnetic solid supports. BioTechniques 20: 198-200 (1996).
Kreft B, Block W, Mühlhäuser J, Träber F, Öksendal A, and Schild H. Enhancement efficacy of magnetic starch microspheres (MSM) in conventional spin-echo and turbo spin-echo sequences at 0.5 T and 1.5 T. JMRI 6: 378-383 (1996).
Kuznetsov OA and Hasenstein KH. Intracellular magnetophoresis of amyloplasts and induction of root curvature. Planta 198: 87-94 (1996).
Lübbe AS, Bergemann C, Huhnt W, Fricke T, Riess H, Brock JW, and Huhn D. Preclinical experiences with magnetic drug targeting: Tolerance and efficacy. Cancer Res. 56: 4694-4701 (1996).
Lübbe AS, Bergemann C, Riess H, Schriever F, Reichardt P, Possinger K, Matthias M, Dörken B, Herrmann F, Gürtler R, Hohenberger P, Haas N, Sohr R, Sander B, Lemke AJ, Ohlendorf D, Huhnt W, and Huhn D. Clinical experiences with magnetic drug targeting: A phase I study with 4'-epidoxorubicin in 14 patients with advanced solid tumors. Cancer Res. 56: 4686-4693 (1996).
Markiewicz M, Kaminska H, Wojnar J, Jagoda K, Krawczyk M, and Holowiecki J. Immunomagnetic method of CD34(+) cell separation. Transpl. Proc. 28: 3526-3527 (1996).
Matsunaga T, Kawasaki M, Yu X, Tsujimura N, and Nakamura N. Chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay using bacterial magnetic particles. Anal. Chem. 68: 3551-3554 (1996).
Mitamura Y, Wada T, and Okamoto E. Ferromagnetic artifical cells for artificial circulation. ASAIO J. 42: M402-M406 (1996).
Mitsumori M, Hiraoka M, Shibata T, Okuno Y, Nagata Y, Nishimura Y, Abe M, Hasegawa M, Nagae H, and Ebisawa Y. Targeted hyperthermia using dextran magnetite complex: A new treatment modality for liver tumors. Hepato-Gastroenterology 43: 1431-1437 (1996).
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Narra VR, Howell RW, Goddu SM, and Rao DV. Effects of a 1.5 Tesla static magnetic field on spermatogenesis and embryogenesis in mice. Invest. Radiol. 31: 586-590 (1996).
Nunez L, Buchholz BA, Kaminski M, Aase SB, Brown NR, and Vandegrift GF. Actinide separation of high-level waste using solvent extractants on magnetic microparticles. Separation Science and Technology 31: 1393-1407 (1996).
O'Brien SM, Thomas ORT, and Dunnill P. Non-porous magnetic chelator supports for protein recovery by immobilised metal affinity adsorption. J. Biotechnol. 50: 13-25 (1996).
Papisov M and Weissleder R. Drug delivery to lymphatic tissue. Crit. Rev. Ther. Drug Carr. Sys. 13: 57-84 (1996).
Peasley KW. Destruction of human immunodeficiency-infected cells by ferrofluid particles manipulated by an external magnetic field: Mechanical disruption and selective introduction of cytotoxic or antiretroviral substances into target cells. Medical Hypotheses 46: 5-12 (1996).
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