Qi Chen, Adam J. Rondinone, Bryan C. Chakoumakos, Z. John Zhang, Synthesis of superparamagnetic MgFe2O4 nanoparticles by coprecipitation, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 1-7
Cordula Grüttner, Joachim Teller, New types of silica-fortified magnetic nanoparticles as tools for molecular biology applications, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 8-15
Avetik R. Harutyunyan, Anatoly A. Kuznetsov, Oleg A. Kuznetsov, O.L. Kaliya, Metal-organic magnetic materials based on cobalt phthalocyanine and possibilities of their application in medicine, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 16-21
Anatoly A. Kuznetsov, Victor I. Filippov, Oleg A. Kuznetsov, Vadim G. Gerlivanov, Edward K. Dobrinsky, Stanislav I. Malashin, New ferro-carbon adsorbents for magnetically guided transport of anti-cancer drugs, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 22-30
M.D. Kaminski, L. Nuñez, Extractant-coated magnetic particles for cobalt and nickel recovery from acidic solution, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 31-36
Lifen Shen, Paul E. Laibinis, T. Alan Hatton, Aqueous magnetic fluids stabilized by surfactant bilayers, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 37-44
C. Bergemann, D. Müller-Schulte, J. Oster, L. à Brassard, A.S. Lübbe, Magnetic ion-exchange nano- and microparticles for medical, biochemical and molecular biological applications, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 45-52
Yong Jiang, Michael E. Miller, Marcia E. Hansen, Marcus N. Myers, P. Stephen Williams, Fractionation and size analysis of magnetic particles using FFF and SPLITT technologies, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 53-61
R. Kötitz, W. Weitschies, L. Trahms, W. Brewer, W. Semmler, Determination of the binding reaction between avidin and biotin by relaxation measurements of magnetic nanoparticles, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 62-68
Lonnie Dorgan, Ralph Magnotti, Janming Hou, Terri Engle, Kevin Ruley, Bruce Shull, Methods to determine biotin-binding capacity of streptavidin-coated magnetic particles, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 69-75
Urs O. Häfeli, Gayle J. Pauer, In vitro and in vivo toxicity of magnetic microspheres, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 76-82
Oleg A. Kuznetsov, Nikolai A. Brusentsov, Anatoly A. Kuznetsov, Nikolai Y. Yurchenko, Nikolai E. Osipov, Felix S. Bayburtskiy, Correlation of the coagulation rates and toxicity of biocompatible ferromagnetic microparticles, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 83-89
Z.G.M. Lacava, R.B. Azevedo, L.M. Lacava, E.V. Martins, V.A.P. Garcia, C.A. Rébula, A.P.C. Lemos, M.H. Sousa, F.A. Tourinho, P.C. Morais, M.F. Da Silva, Toxic effects of ionic magnetic fluids in mice, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 90-95
Paul Todd, John F. Doyle, Paul Carter, Howard Wachtel, Mark S. Deuser, John C. Vellinger, John M. Cassanto, Ulises Alvarado, Jurgen Sygusch, Thomas B. Kent, Magnetic space shuttle experiments, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 96-101
Luis Nuñez, Michael D. Kaminski, Transuranic separation using organophosphorus extractants adsorbed onto superparamagnetic carriers, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 102-107
Mirka {Sˇ}afa{rˇ}íková, Ivo {Sˇ}afa{rˇ}ík, Magnetic solid-phase extraction, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 108-112
O.M. Mykhaylyk, A.V. Kotzuruba, O.M. Buchanevich, N.M. Gula, E.A. Bakai, Cell surface receptor interactions of C27-steroid hormone ecdysterone immobilized on nanodispersed magnetite, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 113-119
Ben Fabry, Geoffrey N. Maksym, Rolf D. Hubmayr, James P. Butler, Jeffrey J. Fredberg, Implications of heterogeneous bead behavior on cell mechanical properties measured with magnetic twisting cytometry, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 120-125
Tadashi Matsunaga, Rika Sato, Shinji Kamiya, Tsuyosi Tanaka, Haruko Takeyama, Chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay using ProteinA-bacterial magnetite complex, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 126-131
Scott Goodwin, Caryn Peterson, Carl Hoh, Craig Bittner, Targeting and retention of magnetic targeted carriers (MTCs) enhancing intra-arterial chemotherapy, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 132-139
J.P. Dailey, J.P. Phillips, C. Li, J.S. Riffle, Synthesis of silicone magnetic fluid for use in eye surgery, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 140-148
Andreas S. Lübbe, Christian Bergemann, Jeffery Brock, David G. McClure, Physiological aspects in magnetic drug-targeting, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 149-155
Steen Østergaard, Gert Blankenstein, Holger Dirac, Otto Leistiko, A novel approach to the automation of clinical chemistry by controlled manipulation of magnetic particles, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 156-162
M. Babincová, P. Sourivong, D. Chorvát, P. Babinec, Laser triggered drug release from magnetoliposomes, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 163-166
R. Sheng, G.A. Flores, J. Liu, In vitro investigation of a novel cancer therapeutic method using embolizing properties of magnetorheological fluids, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 167-175
Masashige Shinkai, Mitsugu Yanase, Masataka Suzuki, , Intracellular hyperthermia for cancer using magnetite cationic liposomes, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 176-184
Andreas Jordan, Regina Scholz, Peter Wust, Hermann Schirra, , Endocytosis of dextran and silan-coated magnetite nanoparticles and the effect of intracellular hyperthermia on human mammary carcinoma cells in vitro, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 185-196
W. Andrä, C.G. d'Ambly, R. Hergt, I. Hilger, W.A. Kaiser, Temperature distribution as function of time around a small spherical heat source of local magnetic hyperthermia, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 197-203
Jeff W.M. Bulte, Marcel de Cuyper, Daryl Despres, Joseph A. Frank, Preparation, relaxometry, and biokinetics of PEGylated magnetoliposomes as MR contrast agent, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 204-209
Chu W. Jung, James M. Rogers, Ernest V. Groman, Lymphatic mapping and sentinel node location with magnetite nanoparticles, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 210-216
Jeff W.M. Bulte, Rodney A. Brooks, Bruce M. Moskowitz, L. Henry Bryant, Jr., Joseph A. Frank, Relaxometry, magnetometry, and EPR evidence for three magnetic phases in the MR contrast agent MION-46L, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 217-223
Maciej Zborowski, Liping Sun, Lee R. Moore, P. Stephen Williams, Jeffrey J. Chalmers, Continuous cell separation using novel magnetic quadrupole flow sorter, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 224-230
Jeffrey J. Chalmers, Yang Zhao, Masayuki Nakamura, Kristie Melnik, Larry Lasky, Lee Moore, Maciej Zborowski, An instrument to determine the magnetophoretic mobility of labeled, biological cells and paramagnetic particles, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 231-241
V. Tchikov, S. Schütze, M. Krönke, Comparison between immunofluorescence and immunomagnetic techniques of cytometry, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 242-247
S. Kim Ratanathanawongs Williams, Hookeun Lee, Midori M. Turner, Size characterization of magnetic cell sorting microbeads using flow field-flow fractionation and photon correlation spectroscopy, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 248-253
Yousef Haik, Vinay Pai, Ching-Jen Chen, Development of magnetic device for cell separation, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 254-261
V.M. Pai, C.-J. Chen, Y. Haik, Microscopic flow visualization system for fluids in magnetic field, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 262-266
P. Zhang, W.P. Johnson, Rapid selective ferrographic enumeration of bacteria, Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials (194)1-3 (1999) pp. 267-274
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