This year's now already 14th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Particles was once again a great gathering of almost exactly 250 people with an interest in all things magnetic particle related. So many great talks, posters, discussions and interactions!

Have a look at this picture to see who else was there. And if you click on the picture, you get a high-resolution view! 


If you want to know more about what was going on during the meeting, then check out the program, the poster session, or the abstract booklet with all the abstracts:


And we also had a wonderful tutorial given by Professor Lucia Gutierrez from the Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA/CSIC), Zaragoza, Spain. It was titled "On the Biology (and Related Subjects) from the Point of View of a Magnetic Nanoparticle" and is meant for everybody without a biology and health sciences related background. Check out the handout here:


And best of all were Lucia's summaries of her 3-part tutorial. They are done as AI-generated songs, and highly singable. Check them out here:


And finally, our chairman Urs Hafeli like always introduced the meeting with some thoughts about the last 2 years in the world of magnetic particles. Check it out here:


We are all looking forward to our next and 15th International Conference - it is going to take place from May 26-29, 2026 in Paris, FranceEmilie Secret will be our local organizer, and we can't wait to go and visit her at the Sorbonne University.

Magnetic particles of nano- and micro-sized dimensions are an area of intense research. To bring together scientists from chemistry, physics, medicine, biology, engineering and materials sciences and discuss in a collaborative manner the applications in technology, preclinical research and diagnostic and therapeutic medicine, we organize a conference about this field every two year. In 2024, this conference will take place in Barcelona, Spain and covers the following topics:

Scientific Applications:

  • Preparation and Modification of Magnetic Particles
  • Characterization of Magnetic Particles
  • Application in Cell Separation and Analysis
  • Applications in Molecular Biology
  • Magnetic Particle Imaging

Clinical Applications:

  • Cancer Treatment
  • Hyperthermia
  • Magnetic Resonance Contrast Enhancement
  • Drug Delivery

Nanotechnology Applications:

  • Micromechanical Systems (MEMS)
  • Magnetic nanotubes
  • Self-assembled magnetic nanosystems
Organized By
Alejandro G. Roca, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Barcelona, Spain
Lucia Gutierrez, Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA/CSIC), Zaragoza, Spain
Puerto Morales, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Spain
Maciej Zborowski, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, U.S.A.
Wolfgang Schütt, University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria
Urs Häfeli, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

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Last Modified: July 04, 2024 - © 2024