Online registration is now active!

€490 Early registration until April 24, 2024 (at midnight in Spain)
€290 Early graduate student and postdoc registration until April 24, 2024 (at midnight in Spain)
€570 Online registration from April 25, 2024 onward
€370  Graduate student and postdoc registration from April 25, 2024 onward
€100 Accompanying guests (this is meant for spouses who do not take part in the scientific program; the fee is for reception and the boat trip; your children are free - please email us the childrens' names, so they can get a badge too)

Please register and submit your payment with this button:

                         Sorry, you are too late, the conference is over!

The registration desk will be open durig the reception on June 17, and on meeting days (June 18-21) at 8:30 AM to the end of the daily sessions.

14th International Conference on the
Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers
June 17-21, 2024
Barcelona, Spain

Last Modified: July 09, 2024 - © 2024