Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 9:00 (9 AM)
Start of the magnetic carrier meeting 2024 at UAB, promptly at 9:00 in the Auditorium Filosofia y Letras.
We will have many different sessions and more than 60 talks. We will not have parallel sessions, as we feel that our field is highly interdisciplinary. To allow for all scientists in this field to find collaborators and solve problems together, listening to each other is crucial.
We also will have two very extensive poster sessions, with poster prizes. Due to space limitations, the first half of the posters will be up on the first day (Tuesday, June 18, 2024), while the second half will be presented on the second day (Wednesday, June 19, 2024). Please check your poster number and then only bring your poster on the day of your poster session.
The Tuesday poster session starts at 17:45 and is sponsored by Nanomedicine CSIS, the nanomedicine hub in Spain - with beer and Pretzels!
The Wednesday poster session which starts also at 17:45 is sponsored by INMA, the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragon - with beer and Pizza!
Friday, June 21 at 13:15 (1:15 PM)
End of the last talks and conclusion of the meeting.
Social Program
And as always, we will not let science prevent us from learning new stuff, having fun together and enjoying Barcelona to the fullest. Check the details here.