As always at our meeting, the talks and posters have been chosen from the submitted abstracts and reflect the most recent research results in our area. Check them out here:
When you submit your abstract, you will have to choose if it should be a talk, a poster, or either. Unfortunately, we do not have enough spots to make all presentations oral. But a poster is just as effective if you make a good one: We will have two poster sessions, and there will be poster prizes too!
If you have never been to our meeting, then please check out the program, and the posters, from our last meeting. It is an enormously varied program every time, and it helps to check it out before you write and submit an abstract. If you want to look at it in detail, then please check the abstract booklet from 2018 in Copenhagen (large file!).
Abstract Format
Abstracts can be a full page, not more, and must be submitted on this website online. It can contain figures, graphs, or pictures, but the file size is limited to 2 MB. Please follow the format given in the sample abstract: Have a look here for a sample abstract.
We strongly encourage you to include one figure! And please write your full names and an e-mail for the corresponding author.
Poster Format
The recommended poster size is A0 (84 x 119 cm), upright as shown below. The poster board size is 1.00 m wide. The materials to mount the posters will be provided.