Start of the meeting in the University of Copenhagen's Niels K. Jerne auditorium, Maersk Tower, promptly at 9:00 AM.
The program for our meeting is once again very interesting. Check it out here:
Below, please click on the picture of the entrance hall to the Maersk Tower to see a virtual tour of our home during the meeting. It is brand new, inaugurated in Aug 2017.
We will have many different sessions and more than 60 talks. We will not have parallel sessions, as we feel that our field is highly interdisciplinary. To allow for all scientists in this field to find collaborators and solve problems together, listening to each other is crucial.
And we also have two very extensive poster sessions, with poster prizes. Check out the posters here:
Saturday, May 26 at 15:15 (3:15 PM)
End of the last talks and conclusion of the meeting.
Social Program
And as always, we will not let science prevent us from learning new stuff, having fun together and enjoying Copenhagen to the fullest. Check the details here.